They also find it difficult to be pleased by praise because they believe they are unworthy of praise.
他们也发现自己很难因为受到表扬而高兴,因为他们相信自己不值得表扬。 |
They also float on the sea's surface, though the position makes them vulnerable to aquatic predators.
它们也会浮在海面,尽管这个位置会让它们易受到水生掠食者的攻击。 |
They also form resistant spores.
它可以形成具有抗性的孢子。 |
They also found antique school texts, teaching materials and state examinations for the teaching certificate, a teacher's bell and an old-fashioned lunch pail -- all from the first half of the 20th century.
另外,他们也找到了旧有的学校课本、授课教材及教师执照的州测验内容、教师专用铃及旧式的午餐提盒,所有的物品都是来自于20世纪的前半期。 |
They also found little evidence that cough medicine, also prescribed in most acute bronchitis cases, had any value.
他们同时发现,极少有证据表明,几乎每个支气管患者都会服用的止咳药物有什么作用。 |
They also found that neural stem cell diision was significantly undermined by the drugs.
他们也发现治癌药物会严重破坏神经干细胞的分裂。 |
They also found that runners like to lean forward, hiding the front of their bodies from rain, but exposing the back.
他们还发现跑着的人习惯向前倾,把身体前面挡起来,可是后面却暴露在外。 |
They also found that the particles affected the different parts of the spectrum of visible light differently – blue light was scattered more than red light, causing objects to appear redderthan they would otherwise.
他们发现这些微粒对可见光中不同的频谱影响不同——蓝光散射的比红光多,使目标看上去较红。 |
They also found that they could set and reset the retinal clock even when the SCN was destroyed.
生物学家也发现即使当SCN被破坏时它们可以设定并且重新设定视网膜的时钟。 |
They also further Rotary's work by instilling a sense of integrity, tolerance, and unselfishness in the next generation.
透过对于下一代灌输正直、容忍、及无私的观念,这些计画也促进扶轮的工作。 |
They also gave me gall for my food And for my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.
诗69:21他们拿苦胆给我当食物.我渴了、他们拿醋给我喝。 |