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The union adopts the seamless stainless steel pipe materials, whit good seling performance and suitable for various pipelines.

The unifying theme of this course is best captured by the title of our main reference book: 『Recursive Methods in Economic Dynamics』. 我们的主要参考书目的书名恰当地捕捉到了本课程的主题:《经济动态学的递迴法》。
The uninitiated would be forgiven for thinking that its campaign was aimed at local firms, which are notorious for churning out shoddy or dangerous goods. 那些不知情的人若是认为这些计划是用来对付那些以生产假冒伪劣或危险产品而臭名昭著的当地公司的话,那真就不用计较了。
The uninted nation was founded in 1945. 联合国成立于1945年.
The unintelligent say that renunciation of action and prescribed actions in the science of uniting the individual consciousness with the Ultimate Consciousness are different; but not the educated. 愚钝的人会说对行为的放下和融合个体意识与根本觉知知觉(意识)科学中指定的行为是不同的;但是受过教化的人却不这样认为。
The uninterrupted innovation is a requisite for consolidating the Party's long-term ruling position; the innovative quality is just a ruling quality. 不断创新是巩固党长期执政地位的必然要求,创新素质就是一种执政素质。
The union adopts the seamless stainless steel pipe materials, whit good seling performance and suitable for various pipelines. 本产品采用不锈钢和精密的数控设备制造而成,其密封性能好,适合各种管道的连接.
The union bonnet offers strength and ease of assembly-disassembly. 管接头式阀盖具有一定的强度,易于安装和拆卸。
The union demands a 7% wage hike. 工会要求提高工资7%.
The union has been forced to slightly modify its position. 工会被迫稍稍改变立场。
The union has negotiated a 35-hour working week. 工会经谈判确定为每星期工作35小时.
The union human nature management and the enterprise culture idea, constructs the first-class streng-thened floor sale and the service is a body high quality,the high efficiency team. 结合人性化管理与企业文化理念,建设一流的强化地板销售与服务为一体的高素质、高效率团队。

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