This slide here shows a total net income from the previous year.
租车的价格包含碰撞免全责,行车里程不受限制。 |
This slide-in box can be used as an Ad Box, Help Box, Link Information Box and more!
这是一个幻灯片框,可以用于制作广告框,帮助框,链接信息框,等等。 |
This slight breakup of timing is a way to avoid twins in the time realm.
其实只要错开些时间,就可以避免这样。 |
This slow-moving mammal cannot move quickly enough to escape the deadly fires which perennially ravage the land.
这种行动迟缓的哺乳动物跑得不够快,无法逃过那些不断破坏土地的致命火灾。 |
This small adenomatous polyp (tubular adenoma) on a small stalk is seen microscopically to have more crowded, disorganized glands than the normal underlying colonic mucosa.
小腺瘤息肉(管状腺瘤)带有小蒂,镜下可见它比正常的结肠黏膜有更多的拥挤的无组织的腺体。 |
This small animal has a pair of hazel eyes.
这只小动物有一双淡褐色的眼睛。 |
This small artillery's age can't be dated easily,maybe in Ming Qing dynasty.As for carving it's an old craftwork,but the rare thing is its fine technics.Carving on surface is comparatively easy,but on cylinder it's much harder,while on prism it's most dif
此一小火炮的年代不好定锤,明清物吧,至于雕刻吗,开门的老工艺,但难得的是工艺精湛,在平面上雕刻相对容易,在圆柱体上就难的多,而在棱柱体上雕刻以及浮雕工艺是最难掌握,你看,这条龙活力四射,昂扬大气,决非等闲之辈所能造诣,从此一角度和层次去欣赏,便挖掘透视到了古人所欲表达和展示的更高的艺术文化内涵。 |
This small assortment of buildings, established in the 9th year of Emperor Jia Jing's reign in Ming Dynasty (1530), consists of four big halls and two well pavilions.
建于明嘉靖九年(公元1530年),这组小建筑群是由四座五开间的悬山式大殿和两座井亭组成。 |
This small battle is very important in the context of Scottish history.
这小战役在苏格兰历史背景中非常重要。 |
This small business, with the structure of a family business, has two main goals: to find alternative ways for former sex workers to make their living and also to transform these sex workers into activists.
以家庭营业的这种小生意,具有两个主要的目的:为先前的性工作者找到其他出路,让他们能够维生,并使这些性工作者化身为社会运动者。 |
This small but atmospheric souq was the largest in the region at the start of the 20th century.
这一虽小但极具气氛的集市是20世纪初期当地最大的集市。 |