Travel and transportation were changed when the steamship was invented, and they were changed even more when the locomotive was invented by George Stephenson in 1814.
发明蒸汽船之后,人们的旅行和交通运输都改变了。而在1814年,乔治·史蒂芬逊发明蒸汽机车后,变化更大了。 |
Travel around the world someday.
有一天能够环游世界。 |
Travel between cities has become more difficult, he said, with the police setting up roadblocks staffed by nurses who check the temperatures of drivers and passengers and disinfect buses in the hope of containing the disease.
他说前往别的城市变得比较困难,警察设置了路障,司机和乘客要接受护士量测体温,而且巴士也要消毒。 |
Travel brochures can only give limited information, so ask the travel agent as many questions as you can think of -- it's your money.
旅游指南只能给你有限的信息,所以应该尽量询问旅行社相关的问题--毕竟是你在花钱。 |
Travel by Night. Evade the Mounties. Eat Well.
夜间旅行、避开皇家警察、吃得好。 |
Travel can widen one\'s knowledge.
旅游可以增长人们的知识。 |
Travel could be in order.
可以计划一次旅行。 |
Travel documents held(i.e.Passport,Re-entry Permit,Permit,Certificate of Identity,Affidavit,PRC Travelt Permit,Chinese Travel Permit,etc.
如果有护照应该填护照,可是没有护照这里填甚么哪?难道填内地的身份证?办个护照也得20天,来不及呀。请大家帮忙!谢谢! |
Travel extensively to gain market intelligence, and seek new business in Northeast.
进行经常性的商务差旅以获取市场信息,以及在东北区域开发新业务. |
Travel for business or pleasure.
旅行吧,不论是公事还是游玩。 |
Travel frees us from provinciality.
旅行使我们从偏狭摆脱出来。 |