Naif Chuckles. Now maybe the Arabs will get some sense.
乃夫吃吃地笑了:现在也许阿拉伯人得到了些理智。 |
Nail Surface Smoother. Contains natural silk to gently smooth out uneven natural nails.
特点==含天然柔和丝质成份,能令表面不平的指甲光滑. |
Nail clippers are the necessaries every one of us needs in our daily life.
指甲剪是我们每人日常生活所需的用品。 |
Nailed the senator in a lie; nail corruption before it gets out of control.
查出并揭露参议院议员的谎言;在失去控制前查出并揭露腐败 |
Nails grow at 3mm per month.
指甲每个月会长3毫米。 |
Nails protruding through timber must be bent over or removed.
木头里的钉子突出部分必须被弯曲或除去。 |
Nails, like hair are dead, they do not breathe. By keeping the nails trauma free, the healthy conditions of the nails should not be affected with regular fill maintenance.
多久重新弄一次假指甲?答:取决于个人的日常活动和个人对自己指甲的维护。推荐在假指甲内出现气泡(或彩色)或自然指甲脱落的时候进行。 |
Nair, Supriya. Melancholic Women: The Intellectual Hysteric(s) in Nervous Conditions.Research in African Literatures. pp. 130-139.
《不安之地》中忧郁的女性∶理智的疯子〉《非洲文学研究》。130-139。 |
Naira Soibatian, mother of an 11-month-old baby. More parents are buying electronics for their young children, but there is little evidence that the devices are educational.
女儿只有11个月大的奈拉·索伊巴提安这样说道.越来越多的家长会给他们的小宝贝买各种电子产品,但并没有足够的证据表明这些设备能起到教育作用. |
Nairn said many girls saw Barbie as an inanimate object rather than a treasured toy.
奈恩说很多女孩都觉得芭比娃娃死气沉沉的,没有一点生气,根本不把她当成宝贝。 |
Nairobi - In Nairobi (Kenia) wurde ein Friedensabkommen zur Beendigung des Bürgerkriegs im Süden des Sudans unterzeichnet. Das Gemetzel dauert seit 21 Jahren an.
内罗毕-在内罗毕(肯尼亚)签署了一份旨在停止苏丹南部的内战的和平协议。这场大屠杀持续了21年。 |