Aspirin can ulcerate the stomach lining .
阿司匹林能造成胃壁溃疡. |
Aspirin can ulcerate the stomach lining.
阿司匹林能造成胃壁溃疡. |
Aspirin discontinuation or noncompliance before cardiac surgery was associated with a 2.2-fold increased risk of adverse events, the results indicate.
结果显示,心脏外科手术前停服阿司匹林或未遵医嘱服用阿司匹林,不良事件的危险增加2.2倍。 |
Aspirin has efficacy in relieving headaches.
阿司匹林有解除头痛的效能。 |
Aspirin in various form is sold under a wide range of trade name.
阿司匹林以各种商标出售,五花八门、各式各样。 |
Aspirin is a mild analgesic.
阿司匹林是药性平和的止痛药. |
Aspirin is a palliative (drug).
阿斯匹林是一种缓解剂. |
Aspirin may remedy a headache.
阿司匹林可治头痛。 |
Aspirin will quell your headache.
阿斯匹林将止住你的头疼。 |
Aspiring musicians must practise many hours a day.
有抱负的音乐家每天一定练习很长时间. |
Aspiring to eat, you can eat heartily. Aspiring to sleep, you can sleep soundly. Aspiring to walk, you can walk endlessly. Aspiring to succeed, you can succeed powerfully.
发心吃饭,饭就能吃得满足;发心睡觉,觉就能睡得香甜;发心走路,路就能走得长远;发心做事,事就能做得起劲。 |