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She repressed a smile at sight of the red line that marked the chafe of the collar against the bronzed neck.

She replied, If you don't remember who you are, just go to the front desk and the nice lady at the reception will tell you. 该妇女答道,“如果你记不住自己是谁了,就到前台去问问,那边那位和蔼可亲的女士会告诉你的。”
She replies to my point so convincingly that my argument is soon in tatter . 她反驳我提出的各点都很有说服力,很快就将我的论点驳倒。
She replies to my point so convincingly that my argument is soon in tatter. 她反驳我提出的各点都很有说服力,很快就将我的论点驳倒。
She reported wars to express her hatred for man's mortality. 她报道战事,为的是表达自己对生灵涂炭那刻骨的痛恨。
She represented her fellow-workers at the union meeting. 她在工会会议上代表她的同事。
She repressed a smile at sight of the red line that marked the chafe of the collar against the bronzed neck. 她看到他晒成青铜色的脖子被浆硬的领子磨出的红印时差点笑了出来。
She repressed her desire to mention his name. 她压制住自己没有提他的名字。
She reproached her husband for having forgotten their wedding anniversary. 她责怪丈夫忘了他们的结婚周年纪念日。
She reproached him for forgetting their anniversary. 她责备他竟把他们的结婚周年纪念日忘了.
She reproved him for telling lies. 她骂他说谎。
She repulsed his proposal. 她拒绝了他的求婚。

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