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The information paradox arises out of two contradictory properties of black holes.

The information must suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because modification has been made. 这些资讯必须足以保证修改后的目标代码不会仅仅因为被修改过而不能继续运行。
The information of this case helps to alert dentists on differentiating oral lymphoma and other lesions with similar clinical pictures, and therefore reduce the possibility of misdiagnosis. 希望提供临床医师一些借镜,在遇到类似的病例时,能提高警觉以免耽误病情。
The information of this research ranged from the period between Japanese colonization and postwar up to now. 研究资料涵盖日殖时期前后与战后至今的发展史。
The information of this web site is provided by the Department of Health and it is about the local programme of immunization. 此网站的资料由卫生署提供,而内容则是关于本地的免疫接种计划。
The information ought to be made more accessible. 资料应该明白易懂。
The information paradox arises out of two contradictory properties of black holes. 资讯的吊诡来自于黑洞的两种自相矛盾特性。
The information poor perceive themselves to be devoid of the sources that might help them. 资讯缺乏使得他们自我远离可能可以帮助他们的资讯。
The information presented in these chapters offered a very high-level and arguably idealistic view of how software projects might be run. 这几章提供给您的信息,是关于软件工程怎样运作的一种高级的可论证的理论观点。
The information principle, one of the three principles of Levinson conversational implication, can be used to explain the inference of the Chinese pun. 摘要列文森三原则中的信息原则可以用来解释汉语双关辞格。
The information proved accurate and was instrumental in the campaign that followed. 这个情报被证实相当准确,对接下来的战役起到了至关重要的作用。
The information provided by you will be used for mailing of programme information of Ngau Chi Wan Civic Centre and for other related marketing purposes. 你所提供的资料将会用作邮寄本中心的节目资料或其他有助市场推广的用途。

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