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In this I do not praise you.

In this 2002 edition all Latin has for the first time been translated into unambiguous English, thus making the full text widely available to an academic audience. 在2002年的这个版本中,所有拉丁文首度翻译成明白清楚的英文,让学院读者可以广泛利用全文。
In this 2005 WMSC , China TAOTU (mindmap) Group invited as arbiter of 2005 World Memory Championships presented the competition. 在这次赛事中,中国韬图(思维导图)机构应邀作为2005世界脑力锦标赛裁判团成员出席赛事现场。
In this 21st century with vigorous information transmission and ever changing circumstance, graphic design has been widely applied to each level and each field of society, and used for transmission of message in various forms and through various media, an 在这资讯发达、千变万化的21世纪,平面设计已被广泛的运用在社会各个层面、各个领域中,并以不同形式不同媒介来传达讯息,成为人与人、人与社会及社会与社会,互通思想交流的主要途径,同时也是引导、改变人类生活的原动力,在文化、经济与社会中均扮演著重要的角色。
In this Bible verse, Paul instructs believers to abandon falsehood. 在这个经文里,保罗教导信徒要弃绝虚假的事。
In this Convention, the term “law” means the law in force in a State other than its choice of law rules. 在本公约中,“法律”这一术语是指,该国现行有效的法律,排除冲突规则。
In this I do not praise you. 在这事上我不称赞。
In this Institute,I participated in research on genetic engineering. 在该所,我参加了基因工程的研究。
In this Issue we will focus on the topic of financial management and cost control for hotels. 本期我们一起讨论酒店财务管理与成本控制。
In this Research, the plant esterase of wheat and α-ethanoic acid naphthalene ester were taken as materials to inspect the relation between the wheat esterase and the organic phosphorus, ten linearity equations were established which expressed the esteras 摘要本研究以小麦为植物酯酶的酶源,α-乙酸萘酯为底物,考察了小麦酯酶与有机磷农药之间作用的关系,建立了10个以吸光值变化表示的酶活性与有机磷农药浓度对数之间的线性方程,并确定了函数的单调区间和极值。
In this September, Fengtai Sub-administration for Industry and Commerce, Fengtai Neighborhood Office, Fengtai Civilization Office, Department of Propaganda, Community Office, Agriculture Commission jointly held the on-site meeting of “Jointly Carrying out 今年9月,由丰台工商分局、丰台街道办、丰台区精神文明办、宣传部、社区办、农委共同召开了“联合开展‘打假维权进社区、进村镇’活动的现场会”,这是把我区广大群众的切身利益同我们的工作相结合的一种有益尝试。
In this Sun takes a prophetic role as he formulates a program for democracy in the Chinese context. 就此而言,孙中山所扮演的是先知性的角色,尤其当他尝试想在中国的脉络下构思民主的时候。

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