Whether do the nonvomiting animals reflect in response or not after emetic injection?
非呕吐动物注射催吐剂后是否会有相应反应。 |
Whether organum can be replaced by independency concerning rural education is determined by whether the justice and equality of education is treated as the maximum value of educational development.
农村教育告别“工具论”,走向“主体论”,其重要标志是看能否以“把教育公正与公平放在首位”作为教育发展价值的最大化; |
Whether the bank system is stable or not has relation to the development and stabilization of finance, that is the fateful and no time to delay problem.
因此,商业银行体系的脆弱性问题已经成为我国金融脆弱性问题的集中表现和主要内容,银行体系稳健与否成为事关国家金融发展和金融稳定的重大的、刻不容缓课题。 |
Whether the concurrent cerebro-cardiac syndrom U=-l .0, P<0.0, has statistics significance.
是否并发脑心综合征U=-.0,P<0.0,有统计学意义; |
Whether using the hardware scheme or software, the RS codec also engross more resource correspondingly, thus searching a kind of economic and applied decode scheme is an important task in the field of the error correction codec.
无论是用硬件方案还是用软件方案,RS码的译码都要占用相对而言较多的资源,因此寻找一种经济实用的译码方案成为纠错编码领域的一个重要课题。 |
While cases (.79%) remained elusive.
不明原因例(.79%)。 |
While assessing the virtue and foible of EB BUTTON,an effective measurement used to improve the efficiency of EB BUTTON has also been brought up.
在评价EBBUTTON优缺点的同时,提出了一种提高其分析效果的改进措施。 |
While at pH .0, only % of the added L tryptophan was converted to skatole and 8% was converted to indole.
pH = .0时 ,只有 %色氨酸转化为粪臭素 ,而 8 %色氨酸转化为为吲哚。 |
While carrying out a hammering acceleration test of experiment piles, the authors of this article designed a shock isolator, which was used in the impedor fixed to a pile for the purpose of subduing the impact delivered by the pile.
在交通部镇江大港建港工程的试桩锤击加速度测试任务中,我们设计了一种冲击隔离器,它用在固定于桩身的阻抗变换器上,以减弱桩身传来的冲击激烈程度。 |
While fully emphasizing profit, merchant novels also denounced the gainful and avaricious behaviors and pointed out the right way to make profits is the one with both profit and loyalty cherished.
商贾小说在充分重视利的情况下,对唯利是图、见利忘义的行为也给予了谴责,并指出正确的求利方式应该是“义利兼顾”。 |
While in ABS east specimen,the average available extent of donor jejunum was( 0.8±7. ) ( .0~ 7. cm).
ABS有效分布的动脉弓长度为( 0.8±7. )( .0~ 7. )cm。 |