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But Latin America is much less exposed to sudden squalls than it was.

But Kenyon dismisses such talk, describing the club's Portuguese coach as 'an excellent manager, absolutely world class, no question of it'. 肯扬消除了这些疑虑,他将这名葡萄牙教练称作是“杰出的主教练,毫无疑问的世界级。”
But Kidd is 33 and exiting his prime, and Carter can opt out of his contract after this season. 但基德已经33岁了,已经开始接近强弩之末,而卡特在本赛季结束后就极有可能选择成为自由人。
But Kirsten MacLeod, operational director of financial recruiter ECHM, pointed out that ACAs also needed to think about where their career was heading in the long term. 同时,他还表示:“如果会计事务所和公司想要留住所需要的人才,那么它们必须确保它们的薪金水平不仅仅是在本部门而且在整个行业内都保持竞争力的。”
But Kratos have no needs for the love of petty gods, he have found a new family in the warriors of Sparta, they bring solace from his past by climb to battle. 但他亦无需得到那些微不足道的众神认可,他帮助斯巴达人开疆辟壤,建立一个新的家园,他们通过战斗为奎托斯的过去带来了慰籍。
But Larry Craig says his actions were misconstrued, saying he should not have pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges involving lewd conduct in a men's room. 但是拉里·克雷格说他的行为遭到了曲解,他声称他本不该就对自己有关在男卫生间里做出猥亵行为的不正当指控辩解。
But Latin America is much less exposed to sudden squalls than it was. 但不大会像以前那样急剧恶化。
But Laura's mom sees it differently. 可是劳拉的母亲却不这么看。
But Lebanon's Defense Minister warned against rocket attacks on the Israel that might draw retaliation and reignite the fighting. 但黎国防部长警告不要用火箭袭击以飞机,因为这样可能会引起报复并再次点燃战火。
But Lebanon\'s Defense Minister warned against rocket attacks on the Israel that might draw retaliation and reignite the fighting. 但黎巴嫩国防部长警告想以色列发射火箭炮,那可能会再次点燃战火。
But Leeds may not be the eventual takeover target. 不过,利兹联可能最后仍无法成为球迷们购买的对象。
But Lenat had expected a lot more progress toward commonsense software by now. 但是莱纳特当年对常识软体开发前景的期望,不只是这样。

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