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I believe in moderate exercise.

I believe in get into hot water; it keep you clean. 我相信泡进热水(陷入困境)是好的,可以保持清洁嘛。
I believe in life on other worlds. 我相信其他世界上也有生物。
I believe in listening, even if that's not the typical image of an organizer. 我相信聆听,即使聆听不是工会组织者典型的形象。
I believe in love at first sight. It saves such a lot of time. 我相信一见钟情。因为那很节省时间。
I believe in luck but at the same time I know it takes more than that. 我相信运气,但同时我也知道成功不单靠运气。
I believe in moderate exercise. 我百分之百相信适量运动。
I believe in nothing except fate and constellation. 我相信命,相信星座,然后我什么都不信。
I believe in the connection between strangers when they reach out to one another. 我相信陌生人之间彼此互相的交流。
I believe in the existence of an earthly paradise. 我相信在这个世界上存在著人间天堂。
I believe in the importance of celebrations. 我相信庆祝节日的重要性。
I believe in the iron hand in the velvet glove-that is, severity accompanied by politeness. 我信奉外柔内刚,那就是既严厉又温和。

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