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He does not retain His anger forever, For He delights in lovingkindness.

He does not plume himself on these achievements. 他并不因这些成就而自夸。
He does not possess wealth,it possesses him. 他并非拥有财富,而是被财富占有。
He does not pretend to be a physicist. 他并不自命为物理学家。
He does not realize that by finding someone who needs him, he can shake off his depression and be motivated again. 他不知道他可以因发现有人需要他的关心而摆脱沮丧,再次受到鼓舞激发。
He does not represent or speak on behalf of, nor is he employed by the Bank and is not involved in the research department in the preparation of the Beige Book. 他的言行并不代表芝联储,他本人也并非芝联储之雇员并不参与“灰皮书”的调查与准备工作。
He does not retain His anger forever, For He delights in lovingkindness. 祂不永远怀怒,因祂乐意施慈爱。
He does not say so, but I can read it from his soothing answers and averted eyes. 他没有这样说,但是我能从他安慰的语言和回避的眼神中看出来。
He does not schedule into the next decade or wrestle with decision over whether to lease or buy the car. 他从来不制定“十年计划”,也不会为难以决定究竟是租一辆车还是干脆买一辆车伤脑筋。
He does not shy from subjects avoided in polite (secular) society: the place of religion, the compatibility of Islam with western democracy, the erosion of the work culture, the perils of the wealth tax. 他并不回避上流(世俗)社会中的主题:宗教地位、伊斯兰同西方民主的相容性、工作文化的腐蚀、财产税的危险。
He does not socialize with the high society crowd. His past time after he gets home is to make himself some pop corn and watch Television. 他不太跟群众交际应酬.下班后主要活动就是弄一点爆米花来吃吃,跟看看电视.
He does not speak English, but he knows quite a few English words. 他不会说英语,但他认识好多英文字。

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