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Although the lipid-class composition is not significantly changed for the two conditions, the degree of saturation of fatty acids is greater for high temperature than optimal temperature plants.

Although the legal settling mechanisms in China are perfect in form after Law of PE was issued, there are yet so many problems: the serviceability of law of PE is so poor; the auxiliary legislation is so sluggish; sports arbitrations haven't yet been set 摘要我国体育纠纷法律解决机制虽然在《体育法》颁布之后形式上较完善,但是由于体育法本身可操作性差,针对体育法的配套立法严重滞后,体育仲裁制度迟迟未能建立,致使国内体育仲裁至今仍然是一片空白,司法介入也由于体育行业协会的强制排除和人们的错误观念影响而变得困难重重。
Although the level of sales of contraband cigarettes varies between markets, large-scale smuggling of cigarettes has some common features throughout the world. 虽然走私香烟的销售水平因市场而异,大规模的香烟走私活动在世界范围内仍然有一些共同的特征。
Although the life expectancy of 67.5 years for white men remained the same from 1960to 1968 , the life expectancy for black men declined a full year during that time ( from 61.1 to 60.0) . 从1960年到1968年,尽管白人男子的估计寿命保持在67.5岁,黑人男子的估计寿命在此期间整整减少了1岁(从61.1岁减至60岁)。
Although the life is monotonous, but very there is what regulation, oneself felling pretty quite good. 虽然生活单调,可是很有规律,自己感觉蛮不错的。
Although the life is tough at that time, most of my former friends come to persuade me to change my mine, I insist. (尽管那段时间很困难,所有我以前的朋友都来劝说我改变想法,但我却坚持如初。)
Although the lipid-class composition is not significantly changed for the two conditions, the degree of saturation of fatty acids is greater for high temperature than optimal temperature plants. 结果表明:高温胁迫下,菜豆类囊体膜脂饱和度均提高,但耐热菜豆品种类囊体膜脂饱和度提高幅度远远高于热敏感菜豆品种。
Although the little girl Mira longs to become a fine dancer, her mind is full of images of herself as a supremely accomplished dancer, and she doesn't pay attention during her ballet classes. 小女孩蜜拉的愿望,是成为一个很棒的舞蹈家,但蜜拉在学习芭蕾舞的过程中,一直不专心练习,因为她的脑中已经被成为超级舞者的画面装满了。
Although the main field of this competition is still focusing on the belonging, transportation, and exploitation of the oil-gas in Caspian Sea area, the details are in great difference from that in ten years ago. 虽然这场竞争主要领域还是集中在对里海油气归属权、输送权和开发权的争夺,但具体态势却与10年前有很大不同。
Although the market has yet to embrace my forecast that another Federal Reserve rate hike will be delivered before a rate cut, it has rethought the chances of a cut. “尽管目前市场的走势和我预期的美联储在降息之前会先升息,而且已经在思考降息的可能性。
Although the match is inconsequential in terms of points and prizes, Darren concedes that he and his father will both be keen to secure victory. 虽然这场比赛不涉及什么实质的争夺,达伦确定他和爸爸都会全力争胜。
Although the material appears milky white, it is actually 95% transparent. 尽管这种材料看起来是乳白色的,但是它却有高达95%的透明度。

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