Focus upon the problem (say, schedule slippage) and deal with that in the existing situation.
专注于问题的本身(如,工作进度延期),并处理好已经存在的问题。 |
Focus your attention away from your own anxieties, and outwardly toward your message and your audience. Your nervousness will dissipate.
集中注意力到你的讲演所想要传达的内容上去;观察听众的反应,判断他们接受的程度。这样的话,你的紧张感会自然而然消失。 |
Focus your attention on your work.
把注意力集中在你的工作上。 |
Focus your awareness in your feet.
将你的注意力集中到你的脚上。 |
Focus your camera (on those trees).
把照相机的焦距调准(把焦点集中在树上). |
Focus your will into floating up into the air.
集中注意力飘浮到空中。 |
Focus: Concentrate on a single goal and don't be distracted.
聚焦:别心烦意乱,专注于单个目标. |
Focused Power: This talent now increases the hit chance of all components of Mass Dispel correctly.
能量集中:正确地增加群体驱散对各目标的命中几率. |
Focused on a current tendency of technical presentation in the architectural field in China, the author first identifies the causes of this tendency as being the borrowing of the thought of architecture from abroad, economic development at home and aesthe
摘要针对当前中国建筑市场上建筑的一种技术表现倾向,作者从对国外建筑思潮的引入与消化、国内的经济发展与审美取向、文化背景上的虚无主义以及实用品格三个方面分析了该倾向的成因,并建议建筑师在设计中多一些真诚和实事求是,多一些人文精神和人文关怀,多一些和谐、谦虚和情感,以对人们的思想情绪产生一些积极影响。 |
Focused on its governing objective of Maximizing Value, today's Alcan is a strategic operating company that is more attuned and responsive to market opportunities.
今天的加铝集团以价值最大化为导向,是一个与市场机会相协调的战略运营型公司。 |
Focused on research, development and marketing, A may adopt the indirect strategy and the long-term strategy so as to strengthen their advantages in service quality, interior management, middle business and foreign exchange business, and steadily absorb a
要尽量避免同处于优势地位的中资银行发生直接的正面交锋,而应该重点加大研发和营销力度,采取迂回战略和持久战战略,巩固其在服务质量、内部管理、中间业务和外汇业务方面的优势,并逐步消化、蚕食B的本土优势。 |