Chartered Management Accountants are at the leading edge of some of the world's most successful organisations; formulating strategy, managing risk and business assurance, providing cost determination, financial control and creating wealth and shareholder |
中文意思: 获取认证的特许管理会计师们已成为全球最为成功的各大企业和组织中的精英,担负起战略规划、风险控制、成本预定、财务管理等方面的高级管理职责,并帮助越来越多的雇主公司提升股东价值,实现可持续发展。 |
Chart 5. Homonymous hemianopia of left side.
图5双眼左侧同向性偏盲。 |
Chart your choices for a second day.
为你第二天的选择画一张图。 |
Charter flights no longer bring tourists to gaze at the dunes.
包机所带来的不再是想要观赏沙丘的游客。 |
Charter operators have begun to emerge in Macau, Shanghai and Beijing, among other places.
在澳门、上海、北京和其它地区,包机运营商开始涌现。 |
Charter schools can be found in most of the fifty states and Washington, D.C.
特许学校能在55个州和华盛顿哥伦比亚特区的大部分地区找到。 |
Chartered Management Accountants are at the leading edge of some of the world's most successful organisations; formulating strategy, managing risk and business assurance, providing cost determination, financial control and creating wealth and shareholder
获取认证的特许管理会计师们已成为全球最为成功的各大企业和组织中的精英,担负起战略规划、风险控制、成本预定、财务管理等方面的高级管理职责,并帮助越来越多的雇主公司提升股东价值,实现可持续发展。 |
Chartered chain operation is a franchise transfer at the core of a business.
摘要特许连锁经营是以特许经营权的转让为核心的一种经营方式。 |
Chartism failed because of its weak and divided leadership, and its lack of coordination with trade-unionism.
由于领导层的软弱和分歧,由于缺少与工会的协调,宪章运动失败了。 |
Charts were analyzed to record the presenting symptoms, image modality used, tumor stage, tumor size, local tumor recurrence or distant metastasis, and outcome.
根据病历纪绿病患的症状,使用的影像工具,肿瘤分期,肿瘤大小,复发情况及预后进行分析。 |
Chase invoices the minute they're late.
要面对残酷的现实. |
Chased by authorities and an albino “ monk” who is a member of Opus Dei, this small band of iconoclasts and Grail enthusiasts travel from Paris to London.
由于被警方当局及一位奥普迭教会的白发僧侣所追赶,这一小群的符码专家及圣杯狂热份子从巴黎旅行到伦敦。 |