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When someone is suspected of having done something wrong, he is under a cloud.

When someone gives you something to wear that corresponds to your self-image they're saying, I agree with you. I like you the way you are. 当某人给你某些符合你自己的形象的东西来穿时,他们是说:「我同意你,我喜欢你这个样子。」
When someone has deeply hurt you, it can be extremely difficult to let go of your grudge. 当你被深深伤害的时候,想要不怀恨在心是很难做到的。
When someone interprets a true proposition as a false one, the proposition itself isn't hurt; only the person who holds the wrong view is deceived, and thus damaged. 当一个人将真实诠释成虚假,真实本身并没受伤;只有那位保有错误看法的人想错了,也因此而受伤。
When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed outwardly or inwardly. 有的人因为某种缘由走进你的生活,往往是为了满足你通过言行或内心表达出的某个需要。
When someone is in your life for a REASON,it is usually to meet a need you have expressed.They have come to assist you through a difficulty,to provide you with guidance and support,to aid you physically,emotionally,or spiritually.They are there for the re 有的人出现在你的生活中是有原因的,通常他们填补了你流露出来的需要;帮助你度过难关,指点和支持你,切实地在物质上,情感上,精神上帮助你.他们出现是因为你需要他们.然后在你毫无过错或一个很不合时宜的时候,这人会说了些什么或者做点什么令你们终止了友谊.有时候他们离你而去,有时候他们故意找茬而逼得你要奋起反抗,有时候是因为他们逝世.我们必须认识到,自己的需要已经满足了,我们的愿望实现了,他们的工作也就完成了.你的需要得到了回应,接着的就是要继续前行.
When someone is suspected of having done something wrong, he is under a cloud. 当有人被怀疑做错某事,他就阴云笼罩,不高兴了.
When someone knocked at the door, we were having supper. 有人敲门时,我们正在吃晚饭。
When someone says an amplifier's damping factor is 87, that's not enough. 如果有人说某一放大器的阻尼因子是87,那是不够的。
When someone says to youyour English is very good,you don't answer,no,my English is poor. 某人对你说你的英语很好时,你不要说不好,我的英语很差。
When someone shows up unannounced, keep standing until you decide if you want the conversation to continue. 如果有人事先没有约好,那你一直站着直到你决定是否继续交谈下去。
When someone sings his own praises,he always gets the tune too high. 一个人歌颂自己时,音调往往太高。

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