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While this is in line with the eventual objective of full capital-account liberalisation, it runs the risk of getting reforms in the wrong order.

While this environment was inconvenient for users, the utilization of the mainframe was high; it was busy nearly all the time. 这样的环境对用户来说实在不方便,不过主机的利用率倒是很高;几乎永远处于忙碌状态。
While this individualistic health lifestyle approach to health worked for some (the wealthy members of society),people experiencing poverty,unemployment,underemployment or little control over the conditions of their daily lives benefited little from this 虽然这种个人主义的健康生活方式接近于健康为一些人(社会中的富人)服务,那些经历着贫穷,失业,不充分就业或是很少能控制他们每天生活的条件的人从这种方法中受益很少。
While this intuition is laudable, it is not necessarily correct—it depends on comparing the cost of action to the cost of inaction and the alternative good we could do with our resources. 不过,值得称赞的直觉不见得就是对的,做或不做还须评估代价,并考虑是否还有更适当的替代方案。
While this is admirable we must insist that this should not happen. 我们必须坚持组织该现象发生。
While this is controversial and still speculative, there are also indications these practices can even slow down disease progression, says lead author David Burke, a neurologist at St Vincent's Hospital in Sydney. 悉尼圣文森特医院神经科专门医师、主要作者大卫?伯克说,人们对此争论不休,这仍是一种推测,也有些人认为,这些方法甚至能减慢该病的发展速度。
While this is in line with the eventual objective of full capital-account liberalisation, it runs the risk of getting reforms in the wrong order. 当开放资本账户这一最终目标随着这种做法日益明朗时,中国也正是在这种本末倒置的改革上铤而走险。
While this is not particularly high for the time of year, Met éireann said cumulative rainfall in recent weeks had caused spot flooding in a number of areas. 虽然这样的纪录在每年的这个时间不算特别高,但国家气象局说最近几周的降雨造成了许多地区的局部洪水暴发。
While this isn't insulting, it's too personal and can leave someone in an awkward position. 这虽然不是故意羞辱人,而是太直接会使人处在很尴尬的处境。
While this may be the first time in history that a single species can precipitate a mass extinction event, it is also the first time in history that a single species can act to prevent it. 一个单一物种能够导致大规模的物种灭绝,这可能是历史上的第一次;同时,一个单一物种能够采取行动来阻止这种变故的发生,同样也是历史上的第一次。
While this may be true in the short term, over the longer term, a redistribution of the fertilizer budget among different fertilizers may be possible. 这在短期内是可行的,从长远来说,在各种不同的肥料之间对肥料预算进行重新分配是可能的。
While this may seem like a great method, especially if you have trouble facing someone or are nervous about what he might do, it is heartless. 这看起来可能是个好方法,尤其是在你不敢面对某人或对其可能的行为感到不安的时候,但它却是无情的。

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