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There are two types of bundles constructed on the kahler manifold DillS′/S′and the Kahler super-manifold super-DiffS′/S′for the heterotic string.
在对应于杂化弦的无限维 Kahler 流形的 DiffS′/S′和 Kahler 超流形 super-DillS′/S′上,存在两种类型的丛.

There are two mature reinforce technology is commend to use, one is grouting block method, the other is felt armor plate. 对于已经产生的裂缝,根据不同的开裂情况使用不同的方法进行加固,推荐使用技术上较为成熟的灌浆、嵌缝封堵法和粘结钢板补强法进行加固。
There are two methods on the synthesis of isophorone: mesityl oxide method and acetone condensation method. 异佛尔酮的合成方法有异丙叉丙酮法和丙酮缩合法两种。
There are two models of turbulence to be used for the computation,one is the Baldwin Lomax algebraic model,and the other is the two layer κ ε turbulent model. 湍流模型选择了Baldwin-Lomax代数湍流模型,和两层κ-ε二方程模型。
There are two stress concentration zones in the locking hooks. On the surface of the hook contacting with the nose rail there are significant contact compressive stress and in the inner side of the hook swerve, stretch stresses. 每个锁闭钩中有两个应力集中区,心轨(或心轨连接铁,或销轴)与锁闭钩接触区以接触压应力状态为主,锁闭钩拐弯处以弯曲造成的拉伸应力状态为主,接触应力集中大于拉伸应力集中;
There are two types of acid—the Brnsted acid and Lewis acid-on the surface of the catalyst, and most of them are Lewis acid. 该催化剂具有中孔结构 ,表面上具有 L酸和 B酸 ,酸分布以弱酸为主 .
There are two types of bundles constructed on the kahler manifold DillS′/S′and the Kahler super-manifold super-DiffS′/S′for the heterotic string. 在对应于杂化弦的无限维 Kahler 流形的 DiffS′/S′和 Kahler 超流形 super-DillS′/S′上,存在两种类型的丛.
There are viewpoints of Western scholars like Frege, Bertrand Russell, Strawson, Stephen C. 其中包括西方学者如Frege, Bertrand Russell, Strawson, Stephen C.
There have been about ten thousand antibiotics since Fleming discoveried penicillin in 98, only one hundred kinds of antibacterial drugs have been introduced for clinical use. 自从98年Fleming发现青霉素以来,人们已经发现了大约一万种抗生素,但真正具有临床价值的却不多,其中只有00多种投入了工业生产。
There is a .-year wobble whose amplitude is 9mas. 年周期的圆周运动,振幅约为9mas;
There is a balance between cost and benefit of horned lark and small skylark in nest-site selection. 这两种百灵鸟类在巢址的选择上存在着一种代价和利益的权衡关系 ,巢址选择是捕食压和热条件共同作用的结果。
There is a basic consistency between the Kantian and the Husserlian concepts of intuition, a consistency that secures the necessity of knowledge through the apriori on the one hand and the validity of knowledge through the eidetic on the other. 从康德的先天直观到胡塞尔的本质直观 ,他们的直观有着根本的一致性 ,既通过先验性保证了知识的普遍必然性 ,又通过原本直接地被给予的明见性 (直观 )担保了知识的真理性

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