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D: We found a lot of white cells and clumping of leukocytes of your prostatic secretion.

D: This kind of deafness is difficult to cure, acupuncture may have some effect but a prolonged treatment is needed. 这病不容易治好,针灸可能有些效果,但是需要长期治疗。
D: Time limitation of projects. 项目必须完成的时间范围。
D: To tell the truth, according to statistics, Traditional Chinese Medicine is better for the treatment of diseases of viral infectio , immune system, cardio-cerebrovascular system and nervous system without causing any side-effects compared with western 医生:实话告诉你,据资料统计,与西医相比,中医更擅长于病毒感染性疾病、免疫系统疾病、心脑血管疾病和神经系统疾病的治疗,而且无任何副作用。
D: Usually how do you get relief? 平常您是怎样止疼的呢?
D: Very good. You've done a good job. How much is it altogether. 好极了,你的手艺很好。一共该付多少钱?
D: We found a lot of white cells and clumping of leukocytes of your prostatic secretion. 我们发现你的前列腺液中有相当多的白细胞,甚至有白细胞丛生现象。
D: We'll give you anaesthesia. If you feel any pain during the operation, just let me know. 我们会给你麻药的.手术期间你若觉得痛就告诉我们。
D: Well, Mr Wu, let me suggest another proposition. 杜:喔,吴先生,我有另一个建议。
D: Well, at least I'll be able to take off a few pounds. Even if it does mean sleeping off the fatigue all day tomorrow. 至少我能减几磅,虽然明天得睡一整天来消除疲劳,也还值得。
D: Well, in fact, to honor an order of mammoth size like yours it is beyond our financial capability to make all these advances for such a long period without a packing credit from the National Import &Export Bank, Paris, against your Letter of Credit. 杜:事实上,执行像你们这样一项庞大的订货,超过了我们的财务能力,即是说,如果没有你方开出的信用证作为担保向巴黎国民银行通融支持贷款,而要我们这么长时期垫付那些款项的话,就难办了。
D: Well, take this slip to the injection room and give it to the nurse. She'll give you a shot. 好的。拿这张处方条到注射室交给护士。她会给你打针的。

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