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Can he single handedly lead a team surrounded by his offensive onslaught?

Can he imagine Lawrence Fishburn, Woody Harrelson or Vin Diesel with a hairpiece or a comb over? 问他是否能够想象戴着假发或者将稀发拢过头顶的劳伦斯·费斯博恩、伍迪·哈里森或文·狄塞尔?
Can he keep the secrets for you? 他能为你保守秘密吗?
Can he make it three? Vote now for 2007 NBA All-Star in Las Vegas. 今年,姚明能第三次取得头名吗?马上为将在拉斯维加斯举行的2007年NBA全明星赛投票吧!
Can he now work the same magic at Ford? 现在,他能否在福特公司创造同样的奇迹呢?
Can he see or is he blind? 他是不是瞎了?
Can he single handedly lead a team surrounded by his offensive onslaught? 他是不能能够依靠他的进攻独自带领球队取得胜利么?
Can he speak English? Yes, he can (speak English). 他会讲英语吗?是的,他会讲英语。
Can he stay with us the hole weekend? 整个周末都能和我们在一起吗?
Can he swim ? No , but he can skate . 他会游泳吗?不会,但是他会滑冰。
Can his forces be numbered? Upon whom does his light not rise? 3他的诸军,岂能数算?他的光亮一发,谁不蒙照呢?
Can i chat with you in private? 我可以私下跟你谈谈吗?

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