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They had to lay Toad out on the floor, kicking and calling all sorts of names, before they could get to work properly.

They had to cut down a lot of trees to make room for farms. 他们不得不砍伐一些树木,从而为农场提供足够的地方.
They had to cut through the mountain to make a railway here. (他们不得不把这座山断穿,以便在这修铁路。)
They had to dig deep to reach water. 他们挖得很深才挖到水。
They had to face the steady erosion of the president's credibility. 他们不得不面对总统的威信日渐丧失的局面。
They had to go along with it, in the bodies they had themselves created. 他们必须在他们创造出来的身体中随波逐流。
They had to lay Toad out on the floor, kicking and calling all sorts of names, before they could get to work properly. 蟾蜍不住地踢踹,叫骂,他们不得不把他按倒在地,才能顺当地给他脱衣。
They had to look each other in the eye on the field of battle. 他们在战场上必须与敌人四目相觑。
They had to lower their sights and buy a smaller house than they would have liked. 他们原来想买一所大房子,後来不得不降低要求买一所较小的。
They had to lower their sights and buy a smaller house than they would have liked. 他们原来想买一所大房子,后来不得不降低要求买一所较小的。
They had to meet the attack with very little ammunition. 他们不得不以极少的弹药应战.
They had to plod wearily on up the hill. 他们不得不迈著疲倦的步子登上山.

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