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[bbe] The number of his army was thirty-five thousand, four hundred.

[bbe] The name of his first son was Joel and the name of his second Abijah: they were judges in Beer-sheba. 长子名叫约珥、次子名叫亚比亚.他们在别是巴作士师。
[bbe] The number of his army was fifty-four thousand, four hundred. 他军队被数的、共有五万四千四百名。
[bbe] The number of his army was fifty-seven thousand, four hundred. 他军队被数的、共有五万七千四百名。
[bbe] The number of his army was fifty-three thousand, four hundred. 他军队被数的、共有五万三千四百名。
[bbe] The number of his army was forty-five thousand, six hundred and fifty. 他军队被数的、共有四万五千六百五十名。
[bbe] The number of his army was thirty-five thousand, four hundred. 他军队被数的、共有三万五千四百名。
[bbe] The open space is to be a hundred cubits long, fifty cubits wide, with sides five cubits high, curtained with the best linen, with bases of brass. 院子要长一百肘、宽五十肘、高五肘、帷子要用捻的细麻作.带卯的座要用铜作。
[bbe] The orders of the Lord are right, making glad the heart: the rule of the Lord is holy, giving light to the eyes. 耶和华的训词正直,能快活人的心。耶和华的命令清洁,能明亮人的眼目。
[bbe] The outcry of the children of Israel has come to my ears: say to them now, At nightfall you will have meat for your food, and in the morning bread in full measure; and you will see that I am the Lord your God. 我已经听见以色列人的怨言.你告诉他们说、到黄昏的时候、你们要吃肉、早晨必有食物得饱、你们就知道我是耶和华你们的神。
[bbe] The place of the dead is their house for ever, and their resting-place through all generations; those who come after them give their names to their lands. 他们心里思想,他们的家室必永存,住宅必留到万代。他们以自己的名,称自己的地。
[bbe] The plate for the holy crown was made of the best gold, and on it were cut these words, HOLY TO THE LORD. 他用精金作圣冠上的牌、在上面按刻图书之法、刻著归耶和华为圣。

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