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Dr Manette had been put in prison for no good reason.

Dr Koo said the goal was to extract the berry's protective properties and add them to toothpaste or mouthwash. 顾博士表示,研究的目的是粹取小红莓中的保护性成分,然后添加到牙膏或漱口水中。
Dr Kornberg worked out the details by crystallising the complex of DNA, RNA and polymerase at various stages of the process. 考恩伯格博士通过对此过程中各个阶段的DNA、RNA和聚合酶的复合体进行结晶,研究出这一过程的详细情况。
Dr Kublin said genital herpes and tuberculosis were also suspected of increasing the likelihood of infection. 库柏恩医生说,生殖的泡疹,而且肺结核也被怀疑增加传染的可能。
Dr Li Yue, President of Xiamen Linde Gas Co Ltd, made a remark on the company's ten-year development in Xiamen. 林德气体厦门有限公司总经理李跃博士畅谈公司在厦十年历程.
Dr Liu said that the affected farm did not keep ducks and geese, which if placed with chickens could cause cross-infection and produce the potentially deadly bird flu H5N1. 廖医生表示受病菌感染的鸡场并无饲养鸭鹅。不然可能引致交差感染,酿成可能致命的禽流感病菌H5N1。
Dr Manette had been put in prison for no good reason. 莫奈特大夫被关进监狱是没有正当理由的。
Dr Mebane is careful to point out that the test is not foolproof. 梅本博士谨慎地指出他的检测并非万无一失。
Dr Mitchell's ill so I'm deputizing (for her). 米切尔博士病了, 所以我做代理(她的)工作.
Dr Moller and Dr Mousseau have been looking at bird life around the wrecked reactor. 穆勒博士和摩梭博士一直在关注其反应堆残骸周围鸟的生活状况。
Dr Nelson also looked for signs that the maternal cells had caused the diabetes but found no evidence. 纳尔逊也寻找母血细胞导致糖尿病的信息但是一无所获。
Dr Nelson used the uniquely maternal genes to find mothers' cells in the volunteers' blood. 纳尔逊使用那些独有的母体基因去寻找志愿者血液中的母血细胞。

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