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AC Milan striker Pippo Inzaghi has his eyes set on being crowned World Club champion - 12 months after lifting the World Cup with Italy.

AC Milan are weighing up a move for Lazio goalkeeper Matteo Sereni. 米兰正在酝酿引进拉齐奥的门将塞雷尼.
AC Milan fullback Massimo Oddo has shrugged off this week's dig made by Lazio coach Delio Rossi. AC米兰的后卫奥多蔑视来自拉齐奥教练罗西的嘲笑.
AC Milan have made a good start to the season both in Serie A and Champions League, and coach Carlo Ancelotti is urging his players to maintain their impressive form. AC米兰这个赛季的不管是联赛,还是冠军杯,开局都不错。教练安切洛蒂督促队员要保持这种良好的状态。
AC Milan president Berlusconi told Ancelotti: You\'re fired! 米兰老大贝总跟安胖说:你被开了!
AC Milan president Silvio Berlusconi is already comparing new signing Alexandre Pato with Kaka. 米兰主席贝总已经开始把新签约的帕托和卡卡开始比较了.
AC Milan striker Pippo Inzaghi has his eyes set on being crowned World Club champion - 12 months after lifting the World Cup with Italy. ac米兰前锋皮波.英扎吉已经将他的目光注视到世界俱乐部冠军之上--在和意大利举起世界杯12个月后。
AC gold metal plate, electrical accessories, electrical equipment, other machinery manufacturing, processing. 空调钣金,电器配件,其他机械电器设备的制造,加工。
AC induction motor will govern speed stepless, no brush、no spark and long life. 交流感应电机无极调速,无电刷、无火花、长寿命。
AC motor starting current is big,but it can bear usually,if it starts unusually,it could produce heating winding and burn.The large capacity motor must use starting equipment. 交流电动机起动电流大。正常起动时,电动机能够承受,但非正常起动时,会产生绕组过热而烧毁;通过分析指出较大容量的电动机必须采用起动设备。
AC power cord must be changed only at the qualified service shop. 要更换AC电源线时,必须找有资格的维修店为您服务。
AC servo motor control,tooth shape driving belt,no oil needed.24 speed selection and freely programmable. AC伺服电子马达控制,驱动齿形皮带而带动机头,设有24段式速度选择,编幅可自由设定。

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