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At a church rap session a few hundred women came to talk about their abortions.

At a ceremony Tuesday, Bush peered into Marshmallow's eyes, stroked its white fluffy feathers and patted its red head. 在周二举行的放生仪式上,布什看着“果汁软糖”的眼睛,轻抚它身上的白色绒毛,还拍了拍它红色的鸡冠。
At a ceremony held in Kuwait City yesterday, Interna-tional Olympic Committee (IOC) President Jacques Rogge handed over a DaimlerChrysler minivan destined for the Iraqi National Olympic Committee to the President of the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA), Shei 在11月30日科威特城举行的一个仪式上,国际奥委会主席罗格把捐赠给伊拉克奥委会的一辆克姆勒·戴莱斯勒的汽车钥匙交给了亚洲奥委会的主席。
At a ceremony in Tiananmen Square, thousands of people including hundreds of Olympic officials watched countdown clocks reach the one-year mark, which came at 8:08 p.m. -- and eight seconds -- local time Wednesday. 包括数以百计奥运官员在内的数千人在天安门广场举行仪式,观看倒计时钟走到一年的倒计时时刻,也就是当地时间星期三晚上8点08秒。
At a certain hour, on a certain night, mature2 corals suddenly release clouds of eggs and sperm into the sea. 某个特定夜晚的特定时刻,成熟的珊瑚在海洋中突然释出成团的卵子和精子。
At a certain point in most everyone's life—rich ,poor ,organized,or scattered—the wants outnumber the available hours in the day . 在每个普通人的生命里——不管你富有或贫穷,团圆或离散——总有某个时候,欲望超过你一天所拥有的时间。
At a church rap session a few hundred women came to talk about their abortions. 在一次教会举办的专题座谈会上,有数百名妇女出席讨论堕胎问题。
At a cocktail party, the lawyer was getting annoyed at the number of people who kept asking for free advice. 鸡尾酒会上,一位律师总是被人免费咨询,感到十分苦恼。
At a corner of Sixth Avenue electric lights and cunningly displayed wares behind plate-glass made a shop window conspicuous. 在第六大街的拐角处,灯火通明、陈设精巧的大玻璃橱窗内的商品尤其诱人注目。
At a cost of about $1 million, the first planetarium was opened to the public on May 10, 1930. 1930年5月10日,世界上第一座天文台--芝加哥爱德勒天文台以大约一百万美元的造价建成。
At a deeper level, the 24-year-old American-born Chinese reckons it's the closest one to his heart yet. 从较深的层次来看,这位24岁的美籍华人认为,这是目前为止最能表达他内心世界的专辑。
At a dinner party in the home of friends, our host mentioned his highschool alma mater. 在朋友家的一次宴会上,主人提起一位高中时的校友。

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