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During my last day out on the Leonora, we came across three Dutchmen whale watching from their own rib and serenading the orcas.

During my childhood, I sometimes arrived home from school to find my mother in a similar stance, staring through binoculars up into the arching American elm trees that shaded our home. 在孩提时代,有时我从学校回家后发现母亲正保持着同样的姿势,通过望远镜观察着那棵弯弯曲曲为我们家带来阴凉的美国榆树。
During my days in seclusion, I was extremely agonized by the persistent presence of mosquitoes . Once, I even yelled for help in the middle of the night! 我在闭关小屋的日子,最痛苦的困扰,就是无时不在的蚊子。我曾经半夜爬起来喊「救命」!
During my development period with Amway there was time when I lacked confidence and felt insecure. 发展安利时,曾经有一段时间感到患得患失,对自己没有信心,阻碍了发展。
During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. 求学期间,我系统地掌握了网络基础知识及实用技巧。
During my employment acting in the above capacity, I engaged in designing and planning of network system program (including LAN and WAN), participated in the integrated wiring project covering the network, telephone and monitoring links within the Informa 在职期间,从事网络系统方案(局域网和广域网)的设计和规划,完成信息大楼以及车间等厂区内网络、电话、监控的综合布线工程.
During my last day out on the Leonora, we came across three Dutchmen whale watching from their own rib and serenading the orcas. 我最后一天搭乘「雷欧诺拉号」出海时,遇见三个荷兰人,他们在自己的橡皮艇上赏鲸,还对着虎鲸唱情歌。
During my stay as a postdoctoral research fellow at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, as a lab instructor, I conducted four different tutorials for EEE undergraduates. 在新加坡做博士后研究期间为电子工程系本科生兼职辅导多门实验课程。
During my staying in UNIONSHOES, I worked as merchandiser handling export business of Wal-Mart U.S.A as well as Wal-Mart Canada, including sample development / cost breakdown / documentation of all issues about order through RetailLink / analysing and pre 7年之久的外贸工作经验使本人熟知对外贸易的工作流程及其操作技巧,本人应变能力强,懂得用外国人的思维方式进行贸易谈判,能独立处理繁杂事件,在职期间不断学习探索,使英语写作/口语水平和自身综合素质得以持续不断的提高。
During my studies towards the doctoral degree, not only did I complete the required course but also took part in the research of my tutor's projects. 在就读博士学位期间,我勤奋好学,不仅完成了规定的课程学习,还积极参与导师课题的研究。
During my summer vacation, I would like to liven up my garden with lavender. 我想在暑假时用熏衣草来装饰我的花园,使它变得有生气。
During my three years working, I prided myself in my thrift and planning. 在我工作的三年时间里,我很为自己的节俭和精心打算而得意。

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