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This paper introduces the concepts of the school portal system of university,analyzes on the structure of the school portal system,and probes into the implementation and signification of the school portal system.

This paper introduces the concept of minimal perturbation efficient solution in minimal perturbation constraints programming. 文中引进了极小扰动约束规划的极小扰动有效解概念。
This paper introduces the concept of net virtual instrument, summarizes the modes to construct a net virtual instrument at present, and studies emphatically on the application of net virtual instrument technology to automobile chassis dynamometer and on t 摘要介绍了网络化虚拟仪器的概念,总结了目前组建网络化虚拟仪器的模式,重点研究了网络化虚拟仪器技术在汽车底盘测功机上的应用及其实现方法。
This paper introduces the concept of one-man company,discusses on the legislation practice of one-man company,and analyzes on the restriction of the system of piercing the corporate veil to the one-man company. 介绍了一人公司的概念,论述了一人公司的立法实践,分析了揭开公司面纱制度对一人公司的规制。
This paper introduces the concept the function and the formation of scene graph, and discusses the technology of organizaiotn and rendering of scene graph. 摘要介绍了场景图的基本概念、场景图的作用和场景图的生成,讨论了应用软件设计模式的思想,实现数码城市的三维数字景观中场景图的组织和绘制技术。
This paper introduces the concepts of the reader and the temperament,analyzes on the styles and features of the temperament,and discusses on the reading psychology of readers with deferent temperaments. 介绍了读者和气质的概念,分析了气质类型及其特征,论述了不同气质类型读者的阅读心理。
This paper introduces the concepts of the school portal system of university,analyzes on the structure of the school portal system,and probes into the implementation and signification of the school portal system. 介绍了高校院系门户系统的概念,分析了院系门户系统的结构,探讨了院系门户系统的实现和意义。
This paper introduces the concepts of the urban crisis and the urban crisis management linkage system,and probes into the problems of constructing the urban crisis management linkage system among each crisis management administrator of the government,amon 介绍了城市危机和城市危机管理联动机制的概念,并探讨了构建政府各危机管理主体之间、政府与市民及民间组织之间和政府与媒体之间的联动机制问题。
This paper introduces the concrete process of the facture of the clay model. 本文拟对摩托车油泥模型制作的相关过程做一简单介绍。
This paper introduces the connotation of foreign trade growth mode,analyzes on the necessity of the transformation of foreign trade growth mode,and advances some paths and measures for the transformation of foreign trade growth mode. 介绍了外贸增长方式的内涵,分析了外贸增长方式转变的必要性,提出了外贸增长方式转变的途径和措施。
This paper introduces the constant module multi-user detection algorithm,based on analyzing this algorithm,constructs the implementing frame of this algorithm,and puts forward the scheme of implementing this algorithm model by using the FPGA technology. 介绍了恒模多用户检测算法,通过对算法分析,建立了该算法的实现框架,给出了用FPGA技术实现该算法模块的方案。
This paper introduces the construction and safety of main pipelines transporting oil, gas, petroleum product and ammonia in Russia, analyzes the accidents and accidental causes of pipelines, aiming at providing a referential experience for the daily opera 介绍了俄罗斯的石油、天然气、成品油和氨干线管道的建设概况,分析了干线管道的事故状况和原因,旨在为我国油气管道在日常运行的安全监测、管理和防护等方面提供可以借鉴的经验。

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