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His insincerity was revealed by the quick goggle of his eyes.

His innovation to the function of fiction in theory lies in the two parts, one is that he found fiction has incredible power to dispose of humanity, and the second is that he raised the concept, that fiction is the most artistic types of literature text. 梁启超对小说功用的理论创新体现在两点,一是阐发了“小说有不可思议之力支配人道”,二是提出了“小说为文学之最上乘”的观念。
His inscrutable face does not show what he is thinking . 他那神秘莫测的面孔看不出在想什么。
His inscrutable face does not show what he is thinking. 他那神秘莫测的面孔看不出在想什么。
His insensibility to art indicates that he will never become a real artist . 他不会欣赏艺术,他将永远也成为不了一名真正的艺术家.
His insensitive remarks will poison relations between the two superpowers. 他那些不顾他人感受的话,将毒害两个超级大国之间的关系。
His insincerity was revealed by the quick goggle of his eyes. 他眼睛的快速转动泄露了他的不诚。
His insistence on secrecy is understandable. 他在保密上坚持是可以理解的。
His installations may seem confusing to viewers who stumble upon them, as he simply uses objects in the museum collection to create an installation. 他的装置作品似乎绊着,扰乱着观者,尤其他只是简单的利用了博物馆的文物作为装置。
His instructions were not very precise. 他的指示实在不是非常明确。
His instrumental works are popular amongst the students. 他的器乐曲在学生中很受欢迎。
His insult was intentional. 他的侮辱是有意的。

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