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She looks more mature than her peers.

She looks like an engineer. 她看上去像个工程师。
She looks like her mother, tall and graceful. (她长得像她的母亲,个子高高的,而且举止文雅。)
She looks like lamb./Wath out for him.He's an old fox./He's more stubborn than a mule. 她看上去很温柔。/防着点儿,他是只老狐狸。/他顽固得很。
She looks like my type./He seems to be the most muscular guy./I believe I'm the strongest. 她看起来象我喜欢的那种类型。/他看起来似乎最魁梧。/我相信我是最强壮的。
She looks like the de luxe edition of a wicked French novel meant especially for the English market. 她看上去仿如那种专以英国市场为对象的法国淫邪小说的精装版。
She looks more mature than her peers. 她看起来比她的同龄人成熟些。
She looks pretty much like a friend of mine. 她长得很像我的一个朋友。
She looks rather curious with green hair. 她头发是绿的,样子有点古怪。
She looks ridiculous in that hat. 她戴那顶帽子看起来很可笑。
She looks so funny. Look at her gloves. They're so big. 她看起来这么滑稽。看她的手套。它们那么大。
She looks so peaceful when she's asleep. 她睡觉的时候可真平静。

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