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He is up to his elbow in soapsuds , washing his shirt.

He is unwilling to help me. 他不愿意帮我。
He is unwilling to run the risk of losing his money. 他不愿意冒丧失金钱的危险。
He is unwilling to undertake this job. 他不情愿地从事这项工作。
He is unworthy to live who lives only for himself. 只为自己活着的人,不值得活在世上.
He is up for reelection. 他被提名竞选连任。
He is up to his elbow in soapsuds , washing his shirt. 他洗衬衫时,连胳膊肘都弄上了肥皂泡沫。
He is up to his elbow in soapsuds, washing his shirt. 他洗衬衫时,连胳膊肘都弄上了肥皂泡沫。
He is up to no good. 他正在做无益之事。
He is up to the hilt in debt. 他债台高筑。
He is upgraded for factory director. 他被提升为厂长.
He is used to being photographed, having modelled for his friend Giorgio Armani, with whom he opened two boutiques back in his former hometown of Kiev. 他已经习惯于被拍照了,为他的好朋友乔治欧阿玛尼做过模特,在乔治欧阿玛尼的帮助下,舍瓦在他家乡基辅开了两个专卖店。

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