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A pungent leaf.

A pump in the boiler sends hot water round the central heating system. 热水器中的水泵将热水输送给集中供热设备.
A pump operated by a windmill. 风力抽水机由风车操纵的抽水机
A punctual person always finishes everything ahead of time. 一个守时的人总是把事情提前做好。
A punctual person is in the habit of doing a thing at the proper time and is never late in keeping an appointment. 一个守时的人养成了按时做事的习惯,这样的人言必信,行必果。
A punctuation mark(,) used to indicate a separation of ideas or of elements within the structure of a sentence. 逗号一种标点符号(,),用于表示句子结构内思想或要素的分开
A pungent leaf. 尖形的叶子
A punk rocker. 庞克摇滚乐师
A pup is the ultimate red-carpet accessory for Deborah Harry, whose dog peaks out of her shoulder bag at the New York premiere of her movie Deuces Wild. 在影片《野蛮对决》的纽约首映式上,主角黛博拉·哈里带着她的宠物狗走上了红地毯。
A puppet show; a puppet government. 木偶表演;傀儡政府
A purchasable senator. 腐化堕落的参议员
A pure and transparent original culture is far from being available in the translated texts and in effect all meanings reflected in the translated texts are resulting from the action and reaction of source language and translators. 在译文里,没有原本的文化世界,一切意义都是行动者(译者)通过主体间共有意义的解释构成的。

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