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Infective intoxication,relative bradycardia and roseola were not common.
感染中毒症状 ,相对缓脉 ,玫瑰疹少见 ;

Inevitably,the flourish of the musical culture afforded the opportunity for the development of the vocality art,such as the emergence of numerous outstanding singers and the production of the far-reaching theory of vocality skill. 音乐文化的繁荣为声乐艺术提供了发展机遇,出现了众多高水平的歌手,产生了划时代的声乐技术理论。
Infected with Shengilla Flexner(F b) injected into peritoneal cavity,the rats were survived for hours and were sacrificed. 通过腹膜腔注入致病量福氏痢疾杆菌Fb,h后,处死取材;
Infection and Reproduction of Nosema pernyi in Primary Culture Cell of Tussah Ovary 柞蚕微孢子虫(Nosema pernyi)对柞蚕卵巢初代培养细胞的侵染与增殖
Infection intensity and mortality of queen bumble bees (B.lucorum, B.pyrosoma, B.ignitus) with N. 国内捕获野生熊蜂王(B.lucorum,B,pyrosoma,B.ignitus)微孢子虫的感染率低,死亡率更低。
Infection rates of hookworm,roundworm, whipworm and pinworm were 9.0%、.08%、8. 7%、.77%,respectively. 钩虫、蛔虫、鞭虫、蛲虫感染率分别为9.0%、.08%、8. 7%、.77%。
Infective intoxication,relative bradycardia and roseola were not common. 感染中毒症状 ,相对缓脉 ,玫瑰疹少见 ;
Infiltration of neutrophils, macrophages and lymphocyte appeared gradually at - hours, and became much more prominent at - hours (all P<0.0). The reactive gliosis began to appear at -7 hours, and enhanced after 7 hours (all P<0.0). 免疫组化显示:中性粒细胞、淋巴细胞、巨噬细胞浸润从~h逐渐明显,~h达高峰(P均<0.0),小胶质细胞增生从~7h开始,7h以后明显增强(P均<0.0);
Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor (IMT) is also called inflammatory pseudoma, myxoid hamartoma. 炎症性肌纤维母细胞性肿瘤(IMT)又称炎性假瘤、黏液样错构瘤,是一种特殊类型的肿瘤性病变。
Influence of Baby Boomer and Population Aging on the US Economy 婴儿潮与人口高龄化对美国经济的影响
Influence of Ca~(+) on the phosphorylation of C-AMP response element bindin in neonatal rats after hypoxic-ischemia 钙离子对新生大鼠脑缺氧缺血后C-AMP反应元件结合蛋白磷酸化的影响
Influence of Elixir Type and Temperature on Grain Density and Stability of Oil Emulsion 剂型和温度对油乳剂粒度和稳定性的影响

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