Strictly maintain 1500m over XK, reason traffic above and below of you.
严格保持1500米飞越XK,因你的上面和下面有飞机。 |
Strictly prohibit smoking outside at factory smoking area, spit anywhere. Fine RMB5.00 for otherwise.
16严禁在工厂吸烟区之外吸烟,随地吐痰,发现当场罚款5元。 |
Strictly prohibit to drink during working hours ,the disobeyer will be quit ,the serious will be fired out.
四、严禁在工作时间饮酒,违者予以纪律处分,造成严重后果的予以辞退或者开除。 |
Strictly prohibit to drink with gun, the disobeyer will be quit, the serious will be fired out.
二、严禁携带枪支饮酒,违者予以辞退;造成严重后果的,予以开除。 |
Strictly prohibit to drive ,the disobeyer will be quit ,the serious will be fired out.
三、严禁酒后驾驶机动车,违者予以辞退,造成严重后果的予以开除。 |
Strictly re-adopted, PAYGO rules would force the Democrats into a far tighter fiscal straitjacket than many realise.
重新采取严格的现收现付规则,势必会给民主党带来财政上的束缚,这比许多人想的还要严重。 |
Strictly speaking not a movie palace, it certainly looks very impressive inside the dome and it is a wonderful place to see a movie, especially with its state of the art sound system.
严格地说它不仅是个电影的宫殿,在圆顶内它看起来无疑令人印象更为深刻,它是一个看电影很棒的地方,尤其是它的艺术音效系统。 |
Strictly speaking she was not qualified for the job. But we employed her because of her honesty.
严格地说,他没有资格干这工作.但我们录用了她因为她诚实. |
Strictly speaking, poisonousmeans that the creature exudes poison from its skin or shell, from where it lands on your skin, and continues its nasty work.
严格地说,“有毒的”意思就是,这个生物从其皮肤或者外壳向外排出有毒物质,而当它不知道从哪掉到你的皮肤上后,它仍然在你皮肤上继续渗出毒液。 |
Strictly speaking, Mr Abe said, there was no evidence of that.
严格来讲,安倍的说法是没有证据。 |
Strictly speaking, he is not a patriot.
严格地说,他并不算是一个爱国者。 |