Deep in the ocean, it was the palace of the King of Sea. The King and his mother as well as his six daughters were living here.
大海的最深处是海王的宫殿,海王和他的母亲,还有六个女儿都住在这里。 |
Deep in the rainforests of Central Africa lives the shy okapi.
习性羞羞嗒嗒的霍加皮,深居于非洲中部的丛林雨带。 |
Deep in the vast and mostly unpopulated Gobi Desert, China's launch base is quietly awaiting the country's first-ever manned space flight.
在辽阔无际人烟稀少的戈壁滩上,中国发射基地正默默等待着首次载人航天飞行时间的到来。 |
Deep in their hearts, today's young people still find it hard to discard the traditional Confucian aspirations of “self-cultivation, regulating the family, governing the country and establishing peace throughout the world”.
在当代中国青年的心灵深处,一方面仍旧抹不去“修身、齐家、治国、平天下”的传统士大夫式的抱负,一方面却也很难抗拒物质文化的强烈诱惑及其带来的种种“低级趣味”。 |
Deep in thought and heedless of present circumstances or activities; preoccupied.
心不在焉的,茫然的陷入沉思且未注意到周围的情况或活动的;出神的 |
Deep in your mind there is a glowing ember which we will fan to life, and build into a blazing beacon.
在你们的心中,有一撮带着火星的余烬,我们将把它再次唤醒,成为一蔟炽热的火焰。 |
Deep infection major violations of internal organs, cause inflammation and necrosis.
深部感染主要侵犯内脏器官,引起组织炎症、坏死等。 |
Deep inside my parched throat,
干渴的喉咙的深处, |
Deep kitchen network one open to turn on, exchange platform, need register, can land, find out about every page, but legitimacy and authenticity of guaranteeing some contents, our station has also made terms of service and hoped everybody observes each ot
深厨网是一个开放式开交流平台,不须注册即可登陆了解每一个页面,但为确保部分内容的合法性和真实性,本站还制定了《服务条款》希望大家相互遵守,共同打造一个健康的、绿色的交流平台。 |
Deep kitchen network professional membership up to 4000 over people at present, three-star hotel more than hotel of professional cooks and administration and supervision authorities for 300 over people personnel among them, more than about 2000 people of
深厨网目前专业会员人数高达4000余人,其中三星级以上酒店的专业厨师和管理层人员约有300余人,大中型酒店酒楼约2000余人,中小型酒楼约1500人,小型企业经营者约200余人,与餐饮发展有关的商家约100余家。 |
Deep knowledge and experience in the IT products and solutions, such as network design and installation, internet data center planning and operation, related hardware and software application, etc.
丰富的IT产品和解决方案知识经验,例如网络设计和安装,网络数据中心和运营,及相关的软硬件应用. |