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Add, delete, change whatever icons you like.

Add up your score and see how many points you can get. 把你的得分加起来,看看得了多少。
Add warm water, and continue to blend on high speed. 将1/3份量的打发蛋白与1混合并加入色素后与剩馀的蛋白再混合。
Add water, light soy sauce and cornflour. Hand mix till well combined. 再加入清水、生抽、生粉,用手搅拌至完全混合。
Add whipped cream and fruit as garnish as desired. 挤上奶油,用鲜果装饰。
Add your responses to statements 1, 3, and 9. This is your score for the authoritarian style. 把叙述1,3,9项的得分加总,这是有关『专制式』风格的得分。
Add, delete, change whatever icons you like. 可以加入、删除,替换你所需要的图标。
Add-In Template used for easy creation of Add-Ins. 插件模板是用来方便地创建插件。
Add/Drop enrollment for the spring semester has begun. Please see the Registrar, Mrs. Shu-Chin Chung, for forms. 中文学校下学期的注册及加退选已开始。需要办理的家长请洽注册组长钟淑钦女士。
Add/Remove Products : Clicking this link allows you to automate the installation products (covered in detail in Chapter 10). “安装/卸载产品”:点击该链接允许你自动的安装产品(第10章中会有详细论述)。
Add/Remove Programs is a simple graphical way of installing and removing applications in Kubuntu. 一个新鲜而且简单的安装包的方法是应用'添加/删除程序'工具。
Add: This button will open a dialog box that will allow the leader or officer to add a new character to the guild. 添加(邀请):这个按钮会打开一个对话框,让会长或官员添加一个新人物到公会里。

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