However, the overall difference between them is not great, so this benign neoplasm mimics the normal tissue quite well and this, therefore, well-differentiated.
然而它们之间的不同不是很大,因此这种良性肿瘤与正常的组织相似性较大,分化较好。 |
However, the overall performance of control system depends on the trained CMAC; usually, it is not easy to yield the same performance as the original controller.
因此本论文提出以边界条件的方法,事先给定小脑模型之权重参数,使控制器不需经过学习即可工作。 |
However, the overexposure or underexposure can still be taken deliberately to capture a particular creative effect.
但是,特异的曝光不足或曝光过量还可以得到特别创造性的拍摄效果。 |
However, the owner may sell this mortgaged property to another player at any agreed price.
然而,拥有者可以将被抵押的资产以任何价格售卖给其他玩家。 |
However, the party challenged with patent infringement can escape liability in a variety of ways.
然而,被质疑专利侵权的一方可以用许多方式逃避责任。 |
However, the party who's performance is affected by the event of force majeure shall give a notice to the other party of its occurrence of the force majeure event, valid document issued by the relevant authority or a neutral independent third party shall
但是,因不可抗力使其履约受影响的合同一方应向另一方尽快通知不可抗力事件的发生,并应自事件发生后不应迟于_天向另一方发送主管机关或某一中立且独立的第三方出具的关于发生不可抗力事件的证明或文件。 |
However, the patient expired after a few days due to persistent metabolic acidosis and multiple organ failure.
然而,这位病人几天后因持续的代谢性酸中毒及多发性器官衰竭逝世。 |
However, the patrilocal custom prohibits the mother-daughter contact but enforced in-laws encounters in their everyday living conditions. 2) Many old women are financially dependent on their sons, which put them in a disadvantaged situation in the in-law
(2)经济依赖儿子的婆婆,使婆-媳关系生成了地位的变化,婆婆「吃老」困难,可由必需以家事服务交换生活依赖及日常得看儿媳脸色反应出来,使婆婆生成「以前要侍侯公婆,现在要侍侯媳妇」的不平感受。 |
However, the people's court shall not protect his rights if 20 years have passed since the infringement.
但是,从权利被侵害之日起超过二十年的,人民法院不予保护。 |
However, the perfection of a school's management system and mechanism is not the fundamental goal we seek after.
当然,学校管理制度与机制的完善并不是我们根本的追求。 |
However, the period of carriage does not include the time when the passengers are at a marine terminal or station or on a quay or in or on any other port installations.
客票票价含接送费用的,运送期间并包括承运人经水路将旅客从岸上接到上和从船上送到岸上的时间,但是不包括旅客在港站内、码头上或者在港口其他设施内的时间。 |