Writing a thesis paper can be very time-consuming since large amounts of reading is required.
写一篇论文是很花时间的,因为你需要做大量的阅读。 |
Writing an email in English is taxing.
写英文电子邮件很累人。 |
Writing articles on my blog is my favorite thing to do.
在我的博客上写文章是我喜欢做的事. |
Writing contest will be held at 11:00am: Pencil in classroom 3302 &3304. Students list will be announced on this board, classroom and PTA. Softpen will be in Cafeteria 4.
书法比赛将于十一时开始﹕硬笔比赛教室在3302和3304。比赛选手教室分配名单在公告栏、比赛教室门口和家长服务会,毛笔比赛场地在四号餐厅。 |
Writing desks are available, as is a private office and a boardroom for last-minute powwows.
写字台、私人办公室、甚至是会议室,这里一应俱全。 |
Writing fiction is her forte.
写小说是她的专长。 |
Writing in private will make you feel better; but occasionally sharing your Love Letters with another person who cares and can be understanding is essential.
私下写信会让你感觉好过一点,但偶尔与关心你、了解你的人分享自己的情书,对你会更有帮助。 |
Writing in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Rolls and her colleagues said people ate 30 percent more macaroni and cheese when given the largest of four different portions.
罗斯和他的同事在《美国临床营养学杂志》上发表文章说,在四份不同份量的食物中,选择了最大份的人会多吃掉30%的通心面和奶酪。 |
Writing in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, they said they finally tested it in nine Alzheimer's patients and seven healthy volunteers.
他们发表在《美国老年精神病学杂志》上的文章说,他们最终在9位阿尔茨海默病患者和7位健康的志愿者身上做了实验。 |
Writing in the International Journal of Obesity, they argue that obesity research and prevention efforts need to look beyond the Big Two-- food industry practices, like beefed-up portion sizes and added sugar; and reduced physical activity from factors su
刊登于《国际肥胖期刊》的一份研究报告称,肥胖症研究和预防不能局限于“两大因素”——餐饮业的某些做法,如加大食物的分量或含糖量;运动量减少,如学校取消体育课。 |
Writing in the Wall Street Journal on Thursday, Wu Yi said the two countries should address bilateral economic and trade problems in an active and pragmatic way.
据华尔街日报周四报道,吴仪表示两国应采取积极务实的方式来处理双边经贸中出现的问题。 |