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17 But the Lord will make Israel free with an eternal salvation: you will not be put to shame or made low for ever and ever.

16[bbe] And to those who were trading in doves he said, Take these things away; do not make my Father's house a market. 又对卖鸽子的说,把这些东西拿去。不要将我父的殿,当作买卖的地方。
16ports is available, suitable for user concentrate area or a storied building. 16路可选,适用于用户较集中地区或楼栋用户。
17 Advice of Shipment:Within 48 hours immediately after completion of loading of goods onboard the vessel the Seller shall advise the Buyer by cable or telex ofthe contract number, the name of goods, weight (net/gross) or quantityloaded, invoice value, na 货物装船完毕后48小时内,卖方应即以电报或电传通知买方合同号、商品名称、所装重量(毛/净)或数量、发票价值、船名、装运口岸、开船日期及预计到达目的港时间。
17 Alcoholic drinks must be checked. 含酒精的液体必须托运。
17 But no; with all this security,we are perhaps the most insecure nation in the history of civilized man. 其实不然;我们虽然有了这一切安全措施,但我们或许是人类文明史上最不安全的国民。
17 But the Lord will make Israel free with an eternal salvation: you will not be put to shame or made low for ever and ever. 17惟有以色列必蒙耶和华的拯救,得永远的救恩。你们必不蒙羞,也不抱愧,直到永世无尽。
17 By the summer of 1942, Hitler had launched two new offensives. 到1942夏天,希特勒又发起两场新的攻势。
17 Charles Baudelaire, A lyric Poet in the Era of High Capitalism.Trans. by Harry Zohn. NLB,1992. p14. P. 100. 16本雅明:《发达资本主义时代的抒情诗人——论波德莱尔》,张旭东、魏文生译,三联书店1989年版,第63页。
17 China's community service has a late start and its development is by no means balanced; therefore, much work need to be done to offset the problems and strengthen the weak link. 17我国社区服务起步较晚,发展还很不平衡,还有许多不足之处和薄弱环节需要克服。
17 Congressmen were absent at the Congressional roll call. 国会点名时发现有17个议员缺席。
17 Excuse me ,I wonder whether there is a place for charging the battery?my mobile has no electricity. 对不起,我想问一下有可以给手机电池充电的地方吗?我的手机没电了。

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