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Abstract: There are four phases and dozens of parameters in preheating flash butt welding technology used for great section workpiece's welding.

Abstract: The working principle and core structure of the online monitoring and predicting system for waterflooding power package are expounded. 文摘:阐述了油田注水机组状态在线监测及预测系统的工作原理与核心结构。
Abstract: The world view of Qi in the Chinese traditional culture,which forms concrete whole fuction,decides the features of Chinese art harmonious beauty,the whole harmony.The whole harmony is the harmonious view that can accomodate everything,that can c 文摘:中国传统文化中气的宇宙观,具体化为整体功能,决定了中国艺术和谐美的特征就是整体的和谐,这种整体的和谐是容纳万有的和谐观;是把时间空间化的和谐观,是对立而不相抗的和谐观.
Abstract: The “Leap-over” Theory is an important theoretical achievement initialized by Marx and Engels in their late years, which is one of their basic thoughts instead of a casual opinion. 摘要“跨越论”是马克思、恩格斯晚年理论思维的重大成果,是他们的基本观点而非即时性的表态。
Abstract: Theoretical distortion of the differential capacitor transducer with arch electrodes is analyzed in quantity while measuring the error motion of spindle. 文摘:定量地分析了圆弧极板型差动电容式传感器在测量主轴回转误差运动时的原理误差。
Abstract: There are differents ways to maintain normal navigation in navigable channel during channel enclosure for building hydropower plant. 文摘:如何使通航河道在水电站截流至船闸正式通航期间维持正常的航运,其做法不一。
Abstract: There are four phases and dozens of parameters in preheating flash butt welding technology used for great section workpiece's welding. 文摘:用于焊接大截面工件的预热闪光焊工艺包括四个阶段。
Abstract: There are lots of advantages by cold extrusion for straight knurlnut in a single process. 文摘:直纹滚花螺母采用冷挤压一次成形新工艺,成效显著。
Abstract: There are offered many ways how to improve work of a spark plug.But one of the m ost important problems has not been solved yet.This is a thermal mode operation of a spark plug.The ideal spark plug should be instantly heated at the moment of occ 文摘:在如何提高火花塞的工作质量方面有多种方法,但是其中最重要的一个问题还没有得到解决,那就是火花塞工作的热学模型问题.理想的火花塞应该能在点火的瞬间被立刻加热,并且在接下来的电脉冲过程中迅速冷却,由此在热量的存储与散发之间取得平衡,以避免自点火.本文力图展示一种具有自动调节源于点火区域热流能力的火花塞,其技术的关键是顶部绝缘体材料,它是由蓝宝石单晶制作,而非传统的氧化铝陶瓷.
Abstract: There are requirements for many enterprises to repair and maintain the product easily and correctly under the guide of the system based on network.One of the key problems is the automatic generation of disassembly/assembly processes. 文摘:通过基于网络的维修向导系统的支持,让用户方便、正确地自己进行维护维修,将有助于企业服务水平的提高,而维修工艺的自动生成则是实现网络化维修服务的关键问题之一。
Abstract: There are so many domestic sewage treatment technique at present ,our country mainly adopts ways:artificial biologieal purify, natural biological purify, artificial biological purify and natural biological purity three treating technohgy. 文摘:生活污水处理工艺较多,目前国内主要采用:人工生物净化、自然生物净化、人工生物净化与自然生物净化三大处理技术。
Abstract: There are various stories about the endpoint of Zheng He's expeditions, mainly because there is no definite textual research about the places at east African coast: Bila and Suna. 提要:关于郑和航海的终极点,学界说法多异,主要是对位于非洲东海岸的两个地名“比剌”与“孙剌”未得确考。

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