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Conclusions There were intrahepatic cholangiectasis and cholangitis in patients with clonorchiasis and jaundice.

Conclusions The main cause of death is severe extra-renal complication,the duration of anuria and permanant proteinuria afterwards are the important factor influencing renal damage prognosis. 结论急性期死亡的主要原因为严重的肾外合并症;急性期少尿、无尿时间及急性期后持续蛋白尿是影响预后的主要因素。
Conclusions The results indicate that neurons in ACG are involved in visceral pain perception. 结论扣带回前部神经元参与内脏痛觉感受。
Conclusions The security of Chen Xiang Lu Bai Lu capsule was better. 结论陈香露白露胶囊拥有较好的安全性。
Conclusions There are many kinds of amino acid, protein and polypeptide in the anticoagulating activity of Scorpion. 结论全蝎抗凝活性成分中含有多种氨基酸、蛋白质和多肽。
Conclusions There can be two or three molecules, even two different compounds in an asymmetrical unit of structure cell because of partial disorder or configuration difference in organic molecule crystals. 结论有机分子晶体中由于分子局部无序或构象差异,造成在晶胞的一个不对称单位中可以存在双分子、三分子或多分子现象,甚至允许由两个不同化合物存在。
Conclusions There were intrahepatic cholangiectasis and cholangitis in patients with clonorchiasis and jaundice. 吡喹酮常规剂量组均可顺利消退黄疸,而采用低剂量吡喹酮治疗组难于消退黄疸。
Conclusions This prefaricated compound flap including the plantar split-skin and sensitive nerve could provide a reliable covery which wears and presses well and has satisfactory sensation. 结论利用预制足心皮片的带有感觉神经复合皮瓣修复足底可以较好地恢复足底耐磨耐压的特有功能。
Conclusions Three dimension finite element analysis is an ideal mechanical method for the instantaneous injury mechanism research of humerus fracture. 结论三维有限元分析法是研究肱骨骨折瞬时受伤机制的理想生物力学工具。
Conclusions Ultrasonography is important in diagnosis of the fetal abnormalities. 结论超声波是诊断胎儿畸形重要手段。
Conclusions Using nanoparticles as genic carrier have a wide developmental foreground. 结论纳米颗粒作为基因递送载体具有广阔的发展前景。
Conclusions Various types of skin flaps could repair the defect and restore the function of hand utmost. 结论不同皮瓣修复手部皮肤软组织缺损能最大限度恢复手的功能和外形。

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