Make sure your Web server is running - The installation program has added a new icon on your task bar (this is the IIS symbol).
首先,确认你的网络服务器处于运行状态—此时,安装程序已经在你的任务栏当中添加了一个新的图标(这就是个人网络服务器(IIS)的标志)。 |
Make sure your adding gas quantity and sign here.
请您确认加油量后在这里签字。 |
Make sure your agreement has an escape clause.
要确定你的合约有免责条款。 |
Make sure your camera currently has firmware version 1.00 or 1.01. You can check your current firmware version by turning the camera on while holding down the MENU button.
确认你的相机固件现在的版本是1.00或者1.01。你可以通过开机的时候按住MENU键来查看你机器现在的固件版本。 |
Make sure your camera is turned off and disconnected from the computer.
确认你的相机已经关机,并与电脑断开。 |
Make sure your computer meets the game's system requirements (see above). If you do not meet these requirements, the game is unlikely to run acceptably.
请先确认你的电脑能达到游戏的要求(看上面)。如果达不到的话,游戏将不太可能流畅运行。 |
Make sure your computre is turned off before you leave.
请确定在你离开之前电脑已经关掉. |
Make sure your developers are using some sort of bulk encryption.
确信你的开发人员在使用一些必须的加密协议。 |
Make sure your hair is bone dry before you go out into the cold weather.
一定得先让你的头发乾透,然后再到外面寒冷的气候中去。 |
Make sure your lip liner doesn't show.
保证你的唇线不会显漏出来。 |
Make sure your luggage is properly labelled.
务必正确地帮你的行李贴上标签。 |