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From the end result, we realize that PBO fiber ropes with minor denier, high strength and low elongation rate are the better choices while undergoing the recursive simulated flight tests.

From the elegant dresses to a sexless trendy attire, it is simply a fashion show. 从雍容华贵到中性前卫的有型打扮,简直就是时装表演。
From the empirical results, we found that the characters of the collaterals sold on and before the second bid include single floor use, extension building, city area, supervision unit, and middle space. 实证结果发现,二拍前拍定担保品之特征属性可能为非多层或多号使用,或有增建使用,或建物面积持分倾向为中坪数者,或建物类型为普通公寓,或位于市区,或有可点交之属性者。
From the employer's point of view, taking on promising graduates is not only a source of free labour; it is a no-strings way of trying someone out before giving them a proper job. 从雇主的角度看,接受有潜力的毕业生实习不但可以获取免费劳力,也是一种无需承诺的试用方式,不用提供正式职位。
From the end of 2003 to early 2006, Yunda performed the design and promotion of office supplies, and the external image promotion and planning campaigns for the Ministry of Civil Affairs, which were very well received. 于2003年底至2006年初,多次承担国家民政部办公用品设计制作及对外形象宣传策划活动,受到一致好评。
From the end of the World War Ⅱ to the 1950s, the Socialist International had gradually formed the foreign policies with the overall characteristic leaning to the U.S. and estranging from the Soviet Unionfor the influence of many factors, such as the cold 摘要二战结束至20世纪50年代,由于受冷战、战后美欧力量对比、社会党和共产党之间的意识形态分歧和历史恩怨等因素影响,社会党国际逐步形成了以“近美远苏”为总体特征的对外政策。
From the end result, we realize that PBO fiber ropes with minor denier, high strength and low elongation rate are the better choices while undergoing the recursive simulated flight tests. 由实验得知聚苯并恶唑编织绳具有细丹尼、高强力及低延伸率外,经由反覆拉伸仿真飞行时其强力下降率亦为较佳者。
From the engineering practice in instability and failure of protective facing of overflow rock fill cofferdam, this article discussed the causes of formation of instability and failure of wire-caged protective facing and analyzed the primary factors and c 摘要从过水堆石围堰护面失稳破坏的工程实践出发,探讨了铅丝笼护面失稳破坏的成因,在模型试验的基础上,分析了影响铅丝笼护面稳定的主要因素及失稳破坏的临界水力条件。
From the ensuing corner, Hamad Al Montashari volleyed wide at the far post from a difficult angle. 沙特获得角球,远门柱处的蒙塔萨里在一个困难的位置空抽射打偏。
From the evidence I must conclude that you`are wrong. 从证据看,我敢断定你错了。
From the evidence we have heard so far... 就我们所知的证据来说。。。
From the ex ante point of view, we ask questions like: What affect will this rule have on the future? 从这个观点出发,我们提出如下问题:这个规则在将来会产生什么影响?

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