Because of low pressure required, even manual pumping can filter water successfully to achieve the potable water quality. |
中文意思: 因为水力过滤器所要求的压力小,在受灾区域没有电力供应的情况下,通过手动水泵实现正常过滤,保证受灾人员的饮用水安全。 |
Because of karma, you meet people, you encounter things and affairs. As long as you face them with a sincere, cherishing heart, Dao is there.
跟所有的人、事、物接触都是缘,只要以诚敬之心去面对它,珍惜它,那些都是道。 |
Because of lack of teachers and examine mechanism, maladjustment of textbooks, low of student's English level, the bilingual teaching of private international law exists many problems.
由于师资和考核机制的欠缺、教材的不相适应、学生的外语能力不高,国际私法的双语教学存在诸多问题。 |
Because of laser's transient heating and fast cooling on metal surface, laser cladding ceramic reinforced composite layer on titanium alloy surface can greatly improve wear resistance of titanium alloy.
利用高能激光束对材料表面瞬间加热和熔池快速冷却的特性,在钛合金表面用激光熔覆一层陶瓷增强复合材料,能够显著提高钛合金的耐磨性能。 |
Because of loneliness,they desire for wealth,therefore hurt others.
因为孤单寂寞想要拥有财富,因此才会侵害他人。 |
Because of long-time water erosion and weathering , the furface of the stone becomes uneven, looking like a rough sea.
由于长年被水流冲蚀溶蚀及风化作用,使岩石表面凸凹不平,如同风吹过水面,卷起千层浪。 |
Because of low pressure required, even manual pumping can filter water successfully to achieve the potable water quality.
因为水力过滤器所要求的压力小,在受灾区域没有电力供应的情况下,通过手动水泵实现正常过滤,保证受灾人员的饮用水安全。 |
Because of me,you have to be demoted to be a lowly peasant.Is it fine with you?
因为我,也许你会被贬为贱民,这样也没关系吗? |
Because of middle or late hybrid maize joining the rotation, a prolonged rotation circle requires more accumulative temperature around 5000-5200 degrees.
由于将中、晚熟杂交玉米引入轮作,需要延长轮作周期以满足更多的积温,大约5000~5200℃。 |
Because of mismanagement, his business has gone to hell.
因为管理不善,他的生意搞得一塌胡涂,不可收拾。 |
Because of misuse of power, he was dismissed.
因为滥用权力,他被开除了。 |
Because of my business acumen and technical know-how, the teams I have managed accomplished outstanding results, including booking more than $50 million in online revenue.
由于我在商业上很敏锐以及懂得技术,我负责的团队取得了显著的成绩,包括预订的在线收入超过五千多万美元。 |