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Experimental study on the multiaxial fatigue behavior of filament-wound glass-fibre/epoxy composite tubes under biaxial tension/torsion loading was presented, and a lot of meaningful experimental data were obtained.

Experimental results verify that the start performance of motor can be improved and the motor only has some tiny vibrancy during the course of measurement. 实验结果表明,使用该方法进行初始定位时,电机仅有微小的振动,并且电机在定位前后启动性能有较大的提高。
Experimental results verify the theoretical performance analysis and show that the performance of the local optimum detector is better than that of the linear correlate detector. 实验验证了图像水印检测理论的有效性以及本文的局部优化检测器性能的优良性。
Experimental studies of model show that when the base slope of spillways changes within the range of 40 degrees to 60 degrees, the water-wing nearly exists in the whole nappe flow, even continues to the transition flow. 模型试验表明:当斜坡角度为40°~60°时,水翅几乎存在于整个跌落水流范围内,甚至持续到过渡水流。
Experimental studies on phase transitions of binary liquid mixture with polymer revealed a possible universality class at the critical point (Kiwing To). 在二元混合液相分离实验中我们找到在临界点新普适类别的数据;在颗粒流在漏斗堵塞实验中我们研究其堵塞机制(杜其永)。
Experimental study on effect of prescription with reinforcing the kidney and activating circulation, purgation, inducing resuscitation and activating circulation on neuropeptide and monoamine nervous transmitter in aged rats with gastrointestinal tract in 补肾活血、泻下及开窍活血方药对脑缺血胃肠损伤老龄大鼠神经肽和单胺神经递质的影响。
Experimental study on the multiaxial fatigue behavior of filament-wound glass-fibre/epoxy composite tubes under biaxial tension/torsion loading was presented, and a lot of meaningful experimental data were obtained. 摘要采用缠绕成型的玻璃纤维增强聚合物基复合材料管型试样,对复合材料在拉扭双轴载荷作用下的多轴疲劳行为进行了实验研究。
Experimental study was performed to determine the moderate water deficit effect and physiological irrigation index of tobacco with lysimeters by controlling the lower limit of soil water content. 摘要为确定烟草的适度亏水效应及烟草水分生理灌溉指标,进行了烟草蒸渗仪试验,通过控制土壤水分下限研究烟草的适度亏水效应。
Experimental teaching is an important link of practice teaching of applied chemistry speciality and it is essential for training practice ability and creative spirit of students. 摘要实验教学是应用化学专业重要的实践教学环节,是培养大学生实践能力和创新精神所必需的。
Experimental treatments were assigned to the plots at random, with the three exceptions mentioned below. 对随机选出的几块地(关于三个例外情况介绍于下)设计出几种试验处理方法。
Experimentalists have recently reported intriguing data that suggest a color glass condensate has actually formed in past work. 实验物理学家最近发现了一种有趣的现象,显示这种「色玻璃凝聚」,实际上可能已经出现。
Experimentally, an interesting six-route NDR characteristic, resulting from the form of split miniband structures and the extension of high-field domain in the superlattice, is observed at room temperature. 实验的结果显示,由于此分裂迷你带结构及超晶格结构中高场区域的扩展,于常温下可观察出六道轨迹之多重负微分电阻特性。

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