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A:Hello,Mr.Johnson,I am with Mrs.Chen to view your house.

A:Head offices of your group corporatio may realize prompt integrated fund tra fer and centralized allocation.It is good for internal supervision and administration. 贵公司集团总部可以实现资金的统一汇划,集中调拨,有利于集团自身的内部监督与管理。
A:Hello! Fancy meeting you here! 嗨,真凑巧,竟在这儿遇见你!
A:Hello!I want to have a Peony Credit Card of your bank. 您好!我想办一张贵行的牡丹信用卡。
A:Hello, I am the team leader of the Chinese Gymnastics Team. 您好,我是中国体操队的领队。
A:Hello, where are you going? 喂,去哪里?
A:Hello,Mr.Johnson,I am with Mrs.Chen to view your house. 您好,约翰逊先生.这是陈太太,她来看你的房子.
A:Hello,are you a receptionist? 您好,您是接待员吗?
A:Hello. David Black speaking. May I have a word with Joan? 喂!我是大卫.布莱克。我找琼接电话。
A:Here are your keys. The bellboy will show you to your rooms &your luggage will be brought up right way. 给你钥匙.侍者将带您去房间,您的行李将立刻拿上去.
A:Here you are. Please check. 都在这里,请检查。
A:Hey, we are getting together for drinks after work if you want to come. (嗨,我们下班后要一起去喝酒,如果你想一道来的话。)

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