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A business that prevents a hostile takeover of another company by offering better terms.

A business must stay in the black to keep on. 一个公司必须盈利才能维持。
A business operator leasing counters or venues shall clearly indicate its true name and trade. 租赁他人柜台或者场地的经营者,应当标明其真实名称和标记。
A business operator which finds a commodity or a service provided by it to have a serious defect which may cause harm to the safety of person or property of the consumer, even where such a commodity or a service is used correctly, must immediately make a 经营者发现其提供的商品或者服务存在严重缺陷,即使正确使用商品或者接受服务仍然可能对人身、财产安全造成危害的,应当立即向有关行政部门报告和告知消费者,并采取防止危害发生的措施。
A business or system visionaryplays an important yet sometimes unenviable role in making this happen. 一个业务或系统的“蓝图”作用重要但有时仍不能实现。
A business owner can insure his or her place of business. 企业的拥有者可以为他(她)的物业投保。
A business that prevents a hostile takeover of another company by offering better terms. 一公司通过提出更优厚的条件来阻止另一公司被他人敌意兼并。
A business will not thrive without good management . 没有良好的经营管理,事业就不会兴旺发达。
A business with many credit customers would set up the general ledger Accounts Receivable account for all credit customers and a separate account for each credit customer. 有很多赊购客户的企业应设置一个应收帐款总分类帐户,登记所有赊购客户欠的货款,并为每个赊购客户设置一个明细帐户。
A businessman who is frustrated by stage fright every time he must address a conference,for example,devotes special efforts to overcome this handicap and consequently becomes an outstanding speaker. 比如,一个商人每次出席会议总是因为怯场而有一种挫败感,于是,他努力克服自己的心理障碍,结果他终于成为一个杰出的演说家。
A busker is someone who performs music or an act on the street. 街头艺人是指在大街上演奏音乐或表演节目的人。
A bust. For my passport. 半身的,护照用的。

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