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Cathy's new understanding brought her resentment down to forgiving size.

Cathy laughed just to be polite, but the joke was really over her head. 凯茜只是出于礼貌地笑了笑,但他并没有真正理解这一笑话。
Cathy was in such a hurry that she took her mother's bag by mistake. 155凯希太急忙了,误拿了她母亲的包。
Cathy was just about to leave when Mr. Lee invited her to stay for dinner. 凯茜正准备离开的时候,李先生邀请她留下来吃晚饭。
Cathy was like a sister to me. 凯茜待我像亲姐妹一样。
Cathy who is queen of cats has cats and cats and cats. 猫皇后凯茜养了好多好多好多猫。
Cathy's new understanding brought her resentment down to forgiving size. 凯茜的新见解把心中的怨恨减弱到了一个可宽恕的程度。
Cathy: Did you see May today? 凯西:你今天看到梅了吗?
Cathy: Sure. How do you want it? 凯茜:可以呀,你要怎么换?
Cathy: Who's that girl? 凯茜:那个女孩是谁?
Cathy: Yeah, especially since she got a promotion recently. 凯西:是啊,她最近还升职了呢。
Catlase An enzyme present in both plant and animal tissues that catalyzes the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide, a toxic compound produced during metabolism, into ozygen and water. 过氧化氢酶:在所有动植物组织中普遍存在的一种能够催化过氧化氢(在代谢中产生的有毒物质)分解为氧气和水的酶。

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