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Q. But would you like to have your day in court after the presidency, do you want the chance to confront your accusers?

Q. Are you a big football fan? 你是个很大的足球迷吗?
Q. Are you going to be wearing a cap or a visor this week? 你这周是带有顶的帽子还是无顶的?
Q. Are you ready for the back-to-back? 你对这场背靠背比赛做好准备了吗?
Q. Are you ready to join an interim government led by, let's say, the Nepali Congress or the CPN-UML? 你们会参加一个由尼泊尔大会党或尼泊尔共产党(联合马列)领导的临时政府吗?
Q. But the mass movement has stopped? 但是群众运动不是已经结束了吗?
Q. But would you like to have your day in court after the presidency, do you want the chance to confront your accusers? 问:但是在你任期之后你打算怎么度过,你想和你的原告当面对质吗?
Q. Can Catherine use Normal Attack? 凯瑟林能使用普通攻击吗?
Q. Can I become a Microsoft Certified Professional without taking certification exams ?for example, by completing course work only? 问:我能够不参加认证考试(比如仅仅完成课程工作)而成为微软认证专家吗?
Q. Can I earn more than one Microsoft certification? 问:我能同时取得几种微软认证吗?
Q. Can I open the wall safe in the hospital basement? 问:我可以开启医院地下室的保险箱吗?
Q. Can we see a PS 3 development system based on actual PS3 components??? 能让我们看看一台基于PS3实质部件的完整版本开发机吗?

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