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We also supply low-cost products for rural electrification and highly sophisticated, customized industrial solutions.

We also spent a late night squid fishing on the open ocean under a crescent moon. 更于一个夜晚,在一轮明月下,无涯海面上网补鱿鱼。
We also sponsored Vasaloppet, a Ski event in Changchun this year. 今年我们还在长春赞助了一项滑雪活动。
We also stayed at home. 我们也躲在家里。
We also summarized the report on health effects from exposure to PF-EMF issued by the U.S. 文末也将概略叙述,瑞典政府于1996年宣布,针对电磁场应采取之“事前注意的原则”。
We also suplly the other nice accessories,contains headset、crown、necklace、ring、Barrette、periwig and so on. 另本企业也代理其他特色的饰品,使“精品“集中于一体,其饰品有:头饰、皇冠、项链、戒指、发叉、假发等。
We also supply low-cost products for rural electrification and highly sophisticated, customized industrial solutions. 同时,我们还向广大农村偏远地区供电工程提供低成本产品及根据客户需要提供先进的工业解决方案。
We also suspect that cells interpret reduced levels of raw materials for the ATP-making machinery as a signal that food supplies are scarce. 我们也同样怀疑,细胞会将ATP制造机具原料的减少,解释成食物来源不足。
We also take on a variety of silk piece goods. 我们还承接各种各样丝绸产品。
We also take pride in updating our products when new and improved ingredients hit the market to make our products better. 当新的和改善的材料进入市场使我们的产品更好的时候,我们为我们的产品的更新而骄傲。
We also tend to put on weight as we get older. Finally, giving up smoking can also help pile on the pounds. 此外,随着我们年龄的增长,体重也会增加。最后一点,戒烟也会使体重增加。
We also thank you Hon Patrick Lau for being the guest moderator and every participants from different professional institutes. 本学会亦非常多谢刘秀成议员作为嘉宾主席,及各专业学会会员莅临出席。

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